Seems like this should be a thread already but not finding it.
About 3 months ago I used recovery image to restore due to no open memory. That worked, got many GB back.
About 2 weeks ago, was running poorly and noticed updates were not coming in.
I got the kb3173424 and kb3172614 manually loaded into Windows RT.
It then downloaded many more updates.
Tues it seemed slow again and noticed it wanted to restart for an update, no idea what update number and can't find out now.
When it restarted all I got is the battery indicator to flash on screen about every 5 seconds, nothing else but it is on screen.
The windows button on center of tablet gives feedback to finger but nothing happens.
Can force it off and on. Tried some of those "special" start procedures I found on line.
Left on till battery went dead charged and started.
Still only get the flash of battery.
Look forward to any suggestions.