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Max Uninstaller? Uninstall Glary Utilities (Resolved).

Best Answer ko57 , 25 February 2018 - 10:36 PM

Hey, so sorry did not update reply right away, I did wind up removing Glary Utilities. I already had (still have) CCleaner, so I used that to help clear out any remnants. CC has helped clear out... Go to the full post »

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Sorry if this is posted elsewhere.
I did a search to uninstall Glary Utilities, came to Max Uninstaller's site.
It seems to explain how to manually uninstall Glary first, or to download and use Max Uninstaller.
I have not updated Glary because I quit using it. It has a large footprint on my laptop, so want to remove it.
I'm no IT PC whiz so I don't want to "mess up" my laptop, although I have removed programs before with no problems.
I did back up my full registry to my laptop.
Is there a way to create a boot disk to my separate hard drive "just in case"?
I'm ready to uninstall Glary via Max Installer's manual method instead of adding another program, not sure how large that is.
Any tips?

Here is that webpage:

Edit by phillpower2: Removed external link.

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    Mechanised Mod

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Is there a way to create a boot disk to my separate hard drive "just in case"?



There is and it is always a good idea to have a back up image of your HDD.


There is no need to download any third party removal tool to remove Glary utilities from you computer, use the manual uninstall procedure and you will be fine, post back when done and we will help you with backing up your HDD.


Just a fyi, the link in your OP was removed as when clicked on it began automatically downloading without permission and was blocked by my AV protection,hardly the behaviour of a company that I would recommend  :no:

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    Mechanised Mod

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Not heard back from you ko57, do you still require assistance or is the issue now resolved, an update would be appreciated.

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✓  Best Answer
Hey, so sorry did not update reply right away, I did wind up removing Glary Utilities.
I already had (still have) CCleaner, so I used that to help clear out any remnants.
CC has helped clear out & clean up my laptop, I did registry backups.
It does run faster also. Am not home right now, might check back later about getting a backup start up CD a bit later. Thanks though, and sorry about that link, I did not use or download that.
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    Mechanised Mod

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No problem and thank you for getting back to us  :thumbsup:

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