Hey Sari! So good to see you're helping me!
When I first click on the Geeks to Go forum page, the live chat is in the upper right corner. When I click the live chat at that time, it takes me to http://www.geekstogo.com/help/and there is not chat box on this page.
This is what it says...
Live Chat (IRC)
Welcome to Geeks to Go Live Chat. There are many websites that offer live tech support, the catch is they charge a lot of money for it. Some charge a flat rate per incident and some charge per minute. Here the help you receive from volunteers is FREE. Not every problem can be solved via chat, so you may be referred to our forums. This is especially true for malware removal, or complex issues. Chat is a good place to ask a quick tech support question, ask for help if you’re having trouble using the forums, or to get to know fellow geeks.
Geeks to Go uses IRC (Internet Relay Chat) to offer live help. IRC is a text-based chat system that allows millions of people around the world to communicate in real time. Note that not all users appearing in a channel are currently active, or may be active in other channels. After asking your question please expect a few minutes for a response. If you don’t get a response, please try back at another time, or create a new topic in our forums.
Important note: Simply ask your question. If someone has an answer, they’ll reply. Some of us are at work, so we may answer slowly. Please be patient. This chat has a 200-character limit, so it may get cut off if you type too much.
Under this description, there is supposed to be a chat box, at least, that's where I've always found it.