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fresh install

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Seeing that the tech at CyberPower won't answer my question, I will ask the brains of G2G


First, the issue:

New PC runs good no issues, when I read up on what  Optane Memory was and looked at my specs and noticed a "your Optane Memory Module is not compatible".

After 2 weeks of emailing teck at CyberPower he told me to do a fresh install, this customer(me) is very angry.

It takes me over 48 hours of re-installing games and other stuff, very long process. Ok, so I have to do a fresh install in order to have this optane memory thingy to work, (whatever it does)...


 My question to the not so brilliant tech was this, "Can I make an image and bring my PC back to where I have today"??


If I have to start over, so be it, but hoping I can re-install my back up and bypass 48hours of work, it takes 18hrs to download and install Elder scrolls Online game itself.


I want to add a SSD in the near future, would I have to do a fresh install on that?? Can I kill two birds with one stone??

Edited by racenutalways, 18 March 2018 - 02:07 PM.

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Based on this https://communities....m/thread/116316 I think that would be complicated...

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