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Is my husband cheating?

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I have found suspicious texts on my husband's Samsung smartwatch which is connected to his phone text messenger...asking to meet up and send photos. It's a two way conversation...maximum 8 back and forth texts...never with a photo. Reverse phone number look up revealed at least one is an escort number. I eventually looked at his phone and could not find the texts there, but he could have deleted them. I asked him about them and he adamantly denied knowing what I was talking about saying he had no idea how they got there but he has been getting weird calls and his phone has been acting up. He is in the military and has been in Europe off and on and indicated there are lots of instances where he Russians are trying to hack into servicemembers phones. He thought maybe he was one of them. I really want to believe him, but it's all so weird. I'm wondering:
1) how feasible is it for someone to hack into a phone and make it seem like a text conversation is going on?
2) are Russians really hacking phones pretending to be escorts? Or are they looking for more security related materials?
3) is there anything I can install on my husbands phone to secretly receive all his texts?
4) is there any way to pull up deleted texts from a phone?
5) is it feasible that the Samsung watch is pulling in text messages from someone else?
6) is there anything else you'd look for?

Thanks for your help.
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Sorry Lod6771 but we are unable to assist with certain questions that you have asked, GTG is a tech and malware removal assistance forum only, we cannot/will not comment as to how to hack peoples phones or any other device/s, to do so would breach our Terms of Use and put us on the wrong side of the law.


how feasible is it for someone to hack into a phone and make it seem like a text conversation is going on?



Technology unfortunately can be compromised by those with the knowledge, correct hardware and software + a purpose for doing so (normally for financial gain but not always) how likely it is that it will happen to a person depends on their circumstances.


You could Google your other questions if you wish but I`m not sure that you will find anything on the Russians communicating as escorts, the intelligence agencies normally deal with such things as the honey trap

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Maybe cheating on you, maybe not

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