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its all going slooooow (Resolved).

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Best Answer phillpower2 , 24 December 2018 - 10:20 AM

Two things that commonly affect the % of RAM that is shown to be being used are how much physical RAM there is and what if any applications are running in the background, Chrome and Task Manager ru... Go to the full post »

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    Mechanised Mod

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We don`t close tech topics but if you are happy that you have no further questions we can mark your thread as being resolved.


Start a new thread on the upgrade forum when you are looking to swap in the SSD, we can take a look for the best bargain + help you with setting Windows up on its own partition.

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cant think of anything else, we've tested and confirmed everything so all thats left for me to do is delete and re install a few apps to see if that makes a difference.....i believe we are resolved and  I thank you most humbly for your time and patience,  ive learned a great deal...i'll post up for the ssd when i'm ready to purchase


thank you bud

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    Mechanised Mod

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You are most welcome  :)


Just before you sign off, noticed that you had 30% RAM usage in your last Speccy report, Windows may have been checking for updates etc but if you can keep it in mind to check the RAM usage in the Task Manager every now and then it will let you know if you have something hogging your RAM, Google is one that seems to do this on a regular basis.

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i'll keep an eye on it, is there a general figure it should be running at so i have a comparison, its steady at 21% at the mo

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    Mechanised Mod

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✓  Best Answer

Two things that commonly affect the % of RAM that is shown to be being used are how much physical RAM there is and what if any applications are running in the background, Chrome and Task Manager running could for example possibly use 21% of your 12GB of RAM.

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