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Small basic - detecting virus

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So, in school, I'm am using small basic to write code for a game, and it all runs fine, except when I use program to show a hint

(Sub Hint
  graphicswindow.height = 400
  graphicswindow.width = 400

​ Trend Micro| Alerts - OfficeScan detects a virus, rendering my game unplayable

​when I had taken "Image[counter]" out of the file, the game runs fine, but I tested using .jpg files, and .png files, using the actual pictures(in one file, the pictures are in the same location as the rest of the files), and also using random pictures(in a different folder, the pictures are in the same location as the rest of the files), so my computer thinks there is a virus on the game, when there is not, I don't think the pictures are the problem, or the code, but I don't know what the problem is, I am looking for help to solve this problem, so that I can continue with my studies

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Hi LitBulb (and Welcome to Geeks To Go!)

My first piece of advice is to approach your teacher and ask for assistance. If it's not something they can solve, they should escalate it to school IT. We will not tamper with your school's security software, for any reason.

First, just a small note about good coding habits. Keep the formatting the same through your code. Most languages that you will use in life (Java, C, SQL) are case-sensitive. For example, your method "drawresizedimage()" in Java would actually be "drawResizedImage()". Standards change from person to person, language to language. You can read about Microsoft's C# convention here.

I'm assuming that image[counter] is some form of string array with file names? (Where counter is the position in the array.)

In other words:

image[0] = "image1.jpg"
image[1] = "image2.jpg"

Just out of distinct curiosity (and I know this will cause the image not to show) what happens if you comment out the Program.Delay(2500) line? Eg: 'Program.Delay(2500). Just to be clear, you tried using the individual filenames, in lieu of the array right -- graphicswindow.drawresizedimage(image1.jpg,50,50,300,300)? (And TrendMicro still detected the software?) 

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