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Microphone not working on Sony Vaio Windows 7 VPCEA46FM

mic windows 7 sony vaio

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  • PipPipPip
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Issue: Mic does not record any sound.



Sony Vaio

Windows 7 64 bit

Model Name: VPCEA46FM


-Link to Sony Website for VPCEA46FM. There are not any drivers here. Also, the "Vaio update software" from this site does not detect missing drivers for the mic.

-Link to drivers I downloaded. These drivers work and I went through them 1 at a time but the mic will not work.

-iobit driver booster is not detecting any missing drivers (this free program usually works flawlessly).




On my other laptop, if I snap my finger near the mic, it detects sound and the bars on the recording tab react. However, on this laptop, even though a driver is listed the mic does not react to or record any sounds. I have read the camera and mic drivers are tied together with sony laptops but I am not sure. My camera (and everything else) does work but my mic does not.


If you have any suggestions I would appreciate your help.












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