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Website management

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The old Submariner

The old Submariner


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Can anyone please tell me how involved is running and maintaining a website is?


I belong to a small shooting club that has its own website.  The member who, up till a few days ago that used to run and maintain the website decided not to do it anymore.

I have a reasonable knowledge of computers etc. but not knowing what is involved in actually maintaining a website I just wonder how difficult it is and what is involved.


I would greatly appreciate some guidance from those members who have this level of knowledge or experience.


Kind regards to all




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    Mechanised Mod

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The old Submariner
We understand that computer issues can be stressful but please do not start more than one thread looking for help with the same issue, this not only wastes helpers time but can also lead to confusion as to who`s and what guidance you are following which in turn can lead to mishaps and potentially irreparable damage to your computer etc.
Continue at your first thread here where someone will hopefully soon be along to help you, thank you for understanding.
This duplicate thread has been closed as per the above.
NB: Moved your previous OP to the more appropriate Web Development forum.

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