No, originally I was able to read all the information this command throws up, but then I was suddenly unable to read it any longer. Soon afterwards, I stopped being able to get into any program or browser on the computer, nor would it let me shut down normally. I eventually solved all that by running the Windows All-In-One Repair program provided at which I have previously been advised to use when on this forum. That enabled me to use the computer again, apart from a message that the Windows Security Center Service wasn't working. When I tried to start it, I kept getting the message: 'The executable program that this service is configured to run in does not implement the service.'
I remembered having this problem with the Windows Security Center Service once before when Phillpower2 was helping me on this forum, but for the life of me I couldn't remember how I solved it! I have at long last managed to solve it now though. It involved editing the registry and adding Winmgmt to netsrvs there. Once the Windows Management Service was working okay, the Security Service started working too.
No idea whether running the 'net stats srv' command had anything to do with these problems, though I wouldn't have thought so. It was most likely just a coincidence. I will probably never know what it was caused it! I am anyway very pleased indeed to have managed to sort this out by myself, but oh how I wish my memory was much better so that I could have achieved it a bit quicker! 
Thanks for your help with my original question.
Edited by Channeal, 24 April 2019 - 07:17 AM.