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what is OEM key? is that pirate?

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Best Answer phillpower2 , 06 May 2019 - 04:02 AM

The following courtesy of Andre Da Costa MVP and the Microsoft forums. Full version (Retail): - Includes transfer rights to another computer. - Doesn't require a previous qualif... Go to the full post »

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When I buy operating software in xxxxxxxxxxxx, I found there are win 10 pro OEM key, what is OEM key? is that pirate?


Edit by phillpower2: Spammy link to third party software removed.

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OEM = original equipment manufacturer



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✓  Best Answer
The following courtesy of Andre Da Costa MVP and the Microsoft forums.
Full version (Retail):
- Includes transfer rights to another computer.
- Doesn't require a previous qualifying version of Windows.
- Expensive
OEM versions of Windows are identical to Full License Retail versions except for the following:
- OEM versions do not offer any free Microsoft direct support from Microsoft support personnel
- OEM licenses are tied to the very first computer you install and activate it on
- OEM versions allow all hardware upgrades except for an upgrade to a different model motherboard
- OEM versions cannot be used to directly upgrade from an older Windows operating system
What happens if I change my motherboard?
As it pertains to the OEM license this will invalidate the Windows 10 upgrade license because it will no longer have a previous base qualifying license which is required for the free upgrade. You will then have to purchase a full retail Windows 10 license. If the base qualifying license (Windows 7 or Windows 8.1) was a full retail version, then yes, you can transfer it.
From the Windows 10 end user license agreement:
b. Stand-alone software. If you acquired the software as stand-alone software (and also if you upgraded from software you acquired as stand-alone software), you may transfer the software to another device that belongs to you. You may also transfer the software to a device owned by someone else if (i) you are the first licensed user of the software and (ii) the new user agrees to the terms of this agreement. You may use the backup copy we allow you to make or the media that the software came on to transfer the software. Every time you transfer the software to a new device, you must remove the software from the prior device. You may not transfer the software to share licenses between devices.
If you want transfer rights and be able to make all sorts of hardware modifications, then the retail full license is recommended.

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