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very long to load, very sluggish performance

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My comp is driving me to fits of frustration :( I clean it with CC at least once a week, and I optimize after this procedure - I can find no virus or trojans)

Maybe it's my set-up, or unwanted programs running that I am not aware of (wouldn't know how to find them any way lolz) 

I would so much appreciate your help, you have always been so successful with my problems in the past


Thank you so much




I attach speccy file as I recall that is always helpful to you.Attached File  ERIC.txt   279.7KB   400 downloads




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Hey Ricky_22


Try this:


Open up CMD (command prompt) with admin rights  (you can find this in your start menu or press windows key and type CMD and BEFORE hitting enter, press and hold CTRL and SHIFT then while pressing it, press enter)> type in:


sfc /scannow


Press enter and let it do its thing.  Let me know how that goes for you.

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Hi :) 


Scan result "windows resource protection did not find any integrity violations"




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    Mechanised Mod

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If I may interject folks  :)


You have high memory usage for a computer that is not under any load, open Task Manager, click on the Memory tab and see if anything is shown to be hogging your RAM.


Physical Memory
Memory Usage 67 %
Total Physical 3.88 GB
Available Physical 1.28 GB
Total Virtual 15 GB
Available Virtual 7.39 GB



HP bloatware and other unnecessary items being checked for updates, please see my canned info below.
7/06/2019 11:42 PM; DropboxUpdateTaskMachineUA
7/06/2019 11:42 PM; GoogleUpdateTaskMachineUA
8/06/2019 7:24 AM; OneDrive Standalone Update Task v2
8/06/2019 2:42 PM; GoogleUpdateTaskMachineCore
8/06/2019 8:11 PM; OneDrive Standalone Update Task-S-1-5-21-3082994219-1364742159-1560771538-1001
8/06/2019 8:42 PM; DropboxUpdateTaskMachineCore
10/06/2019 10:00 AM; HPCeeScheduleForeric f gordon
6/07/2019 11:32 PM; Driver Easy Scheduled Scan



Other than Windows and AV protection no software/drivers should be allowed to auto update and you should never update any driver/s unless the new drivers are intended to resolve a specific issue that you are having, installing new drivers unnecessarily can actually cause you the very issues that any new drivers are intended to resolve and uninstalling the new drivers may not resolve the problem/s that installing the new drivers has caused.
Depending on priority it can take many months before the driver provider releases any fix and they sometimes do not even bother.
I clean it with CC at least once a week, and I optimize after this procedure 



Using CC every now and then is fine but like defragging a HDD it should not be overdone, can I ask what you mean by "I optimize after this procedure "
You have Avast AV installed, this once highly recommended free AV is not so highly recommended anymore as it has become a bit of a monster, pretty much like AVG and Norton did years back, foisting all sorts on folk that they are unaware of, you are running Windows 10 so do not need any third party AV installed in any event, see the description info below courtesy of admin + some additional info from myself.

Windows 8, 8.1 and 10 come with an improved Windows Defender, it offers the same real-time anti-virus/anti-malware protection as Microsoft Security Essentials. Windows Defender also shares the same malware signature definitions as Microsoft Security Essentials, and Forefront Endpoint Protection. Technically, Microsoft Security Essentials has not been renamed Windows Defender, or combined with it in Windows 8, 8.1 and 10.



Having more than one AV installed on your computer is bad, it will slow down the computer, cause internet connection problems and leave you with no AV protection at all if they cancel each other out as they fight for resources.


If any AV product that you have is a paid for version you should always make sure that you have a copy of the product key kept somewhere safe just in case you ever wish to reinstall it.


Avast can be uninstalled via the Control Panel but should you have any problems see the Avast clean removal info here


Please note that you should always create a new system restore point before making any software changes or installing updates, it is your safety net should something go wrong.


See how things go after doing the above then post back with an update for us.

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Thank you Phillpower2.

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Thank you Phillpower2.


Avast hijacked it's way into my system probably from a youtube video I watched - I removed it as soon as I found it (it advises driver up-dates that's how I knew it was there)


optimizing is done with 'HP Performance tune-up check' which came with the pc


I attach screen shot of my task manager ... though I don't understand, nor know, if anything is unnecessary, or how to do anything about it (sorry)


with regards to 'HP bloatware and other unnecessary items being checked for updates, please see my canned info below.' how do I find that info please, I really have no idea, again, sorry :( 



Ricky ... I hope this ia helpful

Edited by Ricky_22, 08 June 2019 - 09:03 PM.

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    Mechanised Mod

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Apologies for the delay getting back to you,work has kept me busy elsewhere  :( 


No worries, we all had to start somewhere + are still learning, we can take a look at what is loading on boot that needn't be and likewise for any rubbish that you do not need at all.


Post an Autoruns log for us, see here  


1: Extract the Autoruns Zip file contents to a folder.

2: Double-click the "Autoruns.exe".

3: Click on the "Hide Signed Microsoft and Windows Entries” option.

4: Go to File then to Export As or Save in some versions.

5: Save AutoRuns.txt file to known location like your Desktop > when you click on File > Save you will then get the option to Save as type, click the drop down tab, change it to Text and then click the Save button.

6: Attach to your next reply.


Tutorial here


You are both welcome as well btw  :)

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Attached File  ERIC.txt   79.12KB   246 downloads


Hi, thank you :) 

I followed directions (hope I did it correctly lolz) and attach the results




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Disable all entries for the following, they can be re-enabled again in the future should you for some reason wish to do so.




Google Update 


Revo Uninstaller 


Uninstall altogether.

Driver Easy 


Not sure how often you use your Canon printer so left it off the disable list, if rarely used, you can safely disable that from the start up as well.

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Try getting rid of apps you don't use and clean up your PC by deleting junk files. 

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Disable all entries for the following, they can be re-enabled again in the future should you for some reason wish to do so.




Google Update 


Revo Uninstaller 


Uninstall altogether.

Driver Easy 


Not sure how often you use your Canon printer so left it off the disable list, if rarely used, you can safely disable that from the start up as well.


Hi! I did all of the above including my canon printer - which I do not use frequently.

on restarting, my computer now takes a full 2 minutes to reach the sign-in password page, showing the HP insignia twice during this process.

My chosen browser Chrome takes about 25 seconds to load, but new tabs are instant ..... 




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That`s odd as it should be booting up quicker with less to do, try a clean boot, see info courtesy of Ztruker below;


How to access msconfig in Windows 10


Click on Start then Run, type msconfig and press Enter.
Click on the Startup tab (for Windows 8, the Startup tab has a link to open Task Manager/Startup tab. Use that.) make a note of what is currently starting then click the Disable Allbutton.
Reboot and see if it runs better.
If yes then use msconfig to enable several items at a time till you find the culprit.

If no, start msconfig and click on the Services tab.
Check the Hide All Microsoft Services box, record what is currently starting then click the Disable All button.
Again, do a regular boot, see if it runs normal.
If yes then use msconfig to enable services until you find the culprit.

Once you've found the culprit, uninstall it or find out how to eliminate it from your system. Simply disabling it in msconfig is a temporary fix at best.

Enable everything else you disabled. 

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Sorry, I am finding this action a little confusing - how do I record what is currently running? 

do i disable everything? and then try all the apps one by one?

or disable the current running and then start them again one by one?


sorry lolz Ricky

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    Mechanised Mod

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No worries and take your time.


Write down or take and save screenshots of what is running, everything else that you need to do is in my reply #12, save and print that post off for yourself.

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