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Weird LiPo cell behaviour.

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Hi Geeks,


Just thought I'd throw in this little mystery and ask 'What was happening' ?


I had a number of LiPo cells on my bench, recovered from lap top batteries, and I happened to touch one of them.  It was very hot.

Suspecting that the thing may burst into flame I quickly took it outside and left it on the path.


Next day, expecting to find it destroyed, I was surprised to find it still intact. And quite cold.


So I measured the voltage; 4.3 Volt.


I then used my ISDT SC 608 Smart charger to have a further look at it.


It appeared to be fully charged.


I discharged it at 300 mA, taking quite a time to achieve this . Then recharged it.


The mystery is, it seems quite ok. Holds it's charge.  Hasn't got hot again.


So what happened ? If it was getting so hot (virtually untouchable) why did it not use up it's charge ?


It is a green Samsung 18650-22F.  SDI  942 cell.



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Good question, I wish I had the knowledge to answer this

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It does make one wonder just how safe the electric cars are going to be.

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Possible intermittent internal short circuit would be the only reason I could see the battery getting hot just sitting on the bench. I'd be getting rid of that battery just in case.
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