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Damaged MP4, 60 MB but 0 secs long and won't play

mobile android MP4 corrupt video

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I have a 'severely' damaged MP4 file - it was a approx 3 hour timelapse vid on my phone but it stopped recording and then disappeared. I have managed to recover the file using some software on my laptop but it is 0 secs long and won't play even though it is around 60 MB

What does anyone think is wrong with it?

My first post here so any and all help/advice would be massively appreciated!


Edited by 03hdaviesbell, 27 June 2019 - 11:34 PM.

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Hello 03hdaviesbell,

What does anyone think is wrong with it?

Just like you said its severely corrupted for whatever reason, lost connection, power fail or a host of other problems that could have occurred during the recording process . More corruption may have occurred during the recovery process as well thus rendering the file useless.

vlc player has a built in repair option for mp4's I doubt you will be successful though. I also would not download anything else that claims to fix damaged mp4 files most will want money.

Here's a link for VLC Player download


Joe :)
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