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Hijacked by spammer on Facebook

facebook spam

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I've been using Facebook for years without trouble, however for the past few weeks I've been receiving notifications that I've been added to such and such a group (no request was made by me) and periodically the groups I'm in have been hit with spam messages coming from my account.


I posted about this on the Facebook Help Comunity website last weekend, but so far no response: https://www.facebook...365&added


I can otherwise access my account and use it normally. To summarise:

  • I've changed my password multiple times but this hasn't helped.
  • I've fiddled with my FB security settings but this hasn't helped.
  • I've been logged out on my phone since last weekend and am only logged in on my laptop at home, but this hasn't helped.
  • I've scanned my laptop for malware but this hasn't turned up anything.
  • I've had no other issues with my laptop, phone or other social media accounts.

I've been quick to respond to each attack and have deleted any offending messages, but obviously this is getting tiresome for both me and the groups who are affected.


Any advice or suggestions are welcome because I don't know what else to do and would rather not take the drastic step of deleting my FB account, especially if a new account would be plagued with the same problem.

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    Miss Congeniality

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Hi PaulC78,

Personally I would try changing my password using a different computer/device other than the one you use regularly to access FB. See if anything in the link below helps you in any way:

How do I deal with spam?
What can I do to keep my Facebook account secure?
What's Security Checkup and how do I start it?

Hope this helps. Please share anything that does so others can learn as well.

Thank you,
Donna :)
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Thanks for the comment.


I took your advice and changed the password on a different computer, however I've also been trying to mitigate any disruption by only logging in when necessary or when I'm at my laptop. But in the last week I've been added to one group and have just had another spam attack so clearly this hasn't worked.


I didn't have any active apps or games but have now turned these off completely as a precaution. I've already been through those links you posted so didn't see anything that I haven't already tried.


My post on the Facebook Help Community has attracted zero interest. Is there a way to get some actual support from FB?

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