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iPhone 4 ringer too quiet to hear

volume ringer

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I am using an iPhone 4 (Version 7.1.2 (11D257) ) I was given second hand about 18 months ago.

The issue I am asking about has not always been a problem. I used to hear the ringing without difficulty, but I have recently realised that the ringer volume has dwindled to almost nothing.

After discovering I had missed a number of calls, I checked the ringer in settings and when I experimentally play the different rings you can choose from they sound perfectly loud and unmissable, but when I dial my iPhone from our landline the ring is hardly audible at all.

I have pressed the + button on the side of the phone and in settings the volume shows as maximum.

I Googled the problem and found suggestions for how to remedy what sounds like a similar problem but the iPhone model they were referring to was different (newer, I expect) and the menu options in Settings seemed too different for the remedy to be applicable, but the fact that other people seem to have had the same sort of problem makes me feel that if I knew how it could probably be put right.

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Hello sue. words

Have you tried the instructions here linked below.

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Hello zep516


Thank you for replying to my post.

Yes, I have followed the Dummies instructions (well, not since you posted the link but before I posted the question).

The volume indicator illustrated in the Dummies instructions is set to the right-hand end of the bar on my iPhone.

I clicked the single white circle there just now (most of the on/off icons are a green solid circle and a white circle – ON – and two white circles – OFF) to make sure that the absence of a green circle didn't mean that the ringtone was off somehow. Straightaway the ringtone sounded at what used to be the normal volume.

(Stupidly, thinking/hoping that I'd just imagined my problem, I then dialled my mobile number from the landline but the phone again produced the same barely audible sound as before.)

As I mentioned in my original post, the demonstration of the various tunes available for the ringtone is loud and clear, as it was when I clicked the on/off icon, so it's not as if there's something wrong with the speaker (if the IPhone has a speaker). 

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    Trusted Helper

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The iPhone has two microphones and two speakers, one of each on the bottom and another pair on the top. The microphone on the bottom is the grille to the left of the dock connector port as you look at the front of the iPhone — the grille to the right of the port is a speaker.

Let me see what else I can find out about your issue.
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I don't know where you are, zep516, but here in the UK we are just 11 minutes into 2020 – Happy New Year to you!

Thank you for your continued interest in my issue.

I'm off to bed now.

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    Trusted Helper

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Happy New year, sleep well.


I'm in the USA so not the new year yet,,,,,,,,, 7:28 PM here Pittsburgh, pa

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