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Frosty Effect on Screen.

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Best Answer Ste , 20 January 2020 - 09:02 AM

Hi, I downloaded ‘Valley’ as suggested. I wasn’t sure what to do with it so I set it to ‘Extreme’ and just watched. I saw good quality sharp video with slight jerkines... Go to the full post »

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Hi, this is just a minor irritation but I would like to solve it and know the cause.


A few weeks ago, I bought a new Graphics Card (Palit Geforce RTX 2070 Dual 8GB. It works fine, but I noticed something that had not occurred before getting the card. Paused images, in YouTube for instance, acquire a white fuzzy covering, as in screen grab 1.


Grab 2 shows it, not on the actual video being paused, but at the browser edges. I have also just noticed it happen on opening this site too.


I am presuming that this is a setting but obviously not sure. Any ideas? Thanks.


Attached Thumbnails

  • 1.jpg
  • 2.jpg

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    Mechanised Mod

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Hello Ste,


Possibly something to do with the internet connection.


Do you do any offline gaming that you could pause and grab a screenshot that you could upload for us.

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Hi, thanks for the response. I only have one game and no way to pause it on or off line (the screen changes to a menu) but it has never been an issue with the game. It is only browser images that I have noticed.

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    Mechanised Mod

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The above supports what was suggested in that this is related to the internet in some way and that I`m afraid is beyond your control, keep in mind that you are freezing a signal that is being sent to your computer so there would be expected to be some sort of imperfection in the display.


You can download and run Valley and get a screenshot or two of that, if there are no problems there you have nothing to worry about.

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✓  Best Answer

Hi, I downloaded ‘Valley’ as suggested. I wasn’t sure what to do with it so I set it to ‘Extreme’ and just watched. I saw good quality sharp video with slight jerkiness which doesn’t happen in the game I have, so I presume that’s the nature of that program. I have attached a screenshot which isn’t really of good quality but there were no apparent problem.


I have noticed that the frosty problem seems to happen randomly and without a video being paused it shows up on the edges of the browser as in image two from my previous post.

I originally thought, as it started happening after installing the new video card that it may be down to a setting.  It is no big deal, so I reckon I’ll have to put up with it. Thanks for your help.

Attached Thumbnails

  • Valley Screenshot.jpg

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    Mechanised Mod

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Nothing amiss with your GPU which is good news at least.


One other suggestion for you before you go if you don`t mind.


Try another browser, if using Edge, FF or Opera try Chrome, if already using Chrome try FF or Opera etc.


You are welcome btw  :)

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