‘Your Data is lost’ it’s not a April fool’s joke or a laughing matter, Let's support this cause and celebrate the World Backup day today on 31st March
This day is basically designed to inspire everyone to take data security seriously, this awareness event asks participants to take the backup pledge:
“I solemnly swear to back up my important documents and precious memories on March 31st.”
I am making this thread to make a pledge and also let everyone heads up in this regard to stay safe and backup your data now, if you haven’t done before. (I have already backed up mine.)
So for this upcoming holiday that serves as a great reminder to be prepared for the unexpected,
Do you have any backup systems in place?
Do you have any wow moment ‘I am Glad my data is backed up’?
Or any Past Horror Story to remind you of ‘How vital your data was’ until it was lost?
Stop your work right now and leave everything wherever it is, and backup your data now. Because your data matters.