I noticed this today, that all files that are a picture, don’t open, and I receive an error message ,in dutch, google translate: the package runtime data is corrupted.
That’s the only message given.
When I went to the other laptop, the picture opened easilay, I’m happy they still open. And I saw a message of bitdefender that runbroker is beend stopped to change the file.
Runtime Broker from c windows system32 runtimebroker.exe
I kept it blocked.
Both laptops have Bitdefender and all options are enabled. Yet only the MSI laptop where I can open the picture without error, shows bitdefender that it blocked runtime broker.
I do feel that the acer laptop, where the issue occurs, is also a little bit slow, knowing it has a SSD drive... .
And sometimes when I reboot the acer laptop, I see an error message , something about error reading or writing to memory… .
I hope to hear you soon.
I tried to add the logs but I get : Your post was too long. Please go back and shorten it a little.
Waiting for you approval to attach the logs.