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windows 10 wont start cannot start in safe mode

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I have tried to start my PC which i upgraded to windows 10 with a thumb drive. Worked just fine had no issues. It started after an update i believe. I get theWindows stop code and  error Ctricial process died.  Using windows windows started automatic repair tool I get  a notification of




tried to boot into safe mode, remove recent updates option, i just keep getting the same inability to start Windows 10. 



Thanks in advance. 






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do I need to provide some other information. I have used the malware guide and understand that certain things are required at the beginning to assist someone including some logs from software. 


Hope i didnt miss something or is this just 4th and 30 error code. I did run Kill disk on the drive, using the option to check the drive out and had no errors after running over night


Please advise even if you cant help I can move on, run Kill disk and reformat and restart or buy another HD and start that way and then plug the other drive back in afterwards and see what i can see i guess. 





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Hi Ackattack

it would help if you could post the windows stop codes you see on screen.

the 1st step I would take is to download a ubuntu image https://ubuntu.com/downloadand burn it to dvd or usb. Then boot your computer and see if you have any files and copy any data you may need.

You may have wiped your drive with kill disk. If you do not know how to burn the disk/usb https://ubuntu.com/t...dows#1-overview this link will show you how it is done.

once we know the state of the hard drive we can take the next step.





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