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In Task Manager, Disk is usually showing 100% (Resolved).

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Best Answer phillpower2 , 07 June 2020 - 09:29 AM

Did you notice my edited reply #25. Upgrading the RAM is the best and least expensive option. There are a couple of ways to reinstall Windows, properly and by a reset within Windows, as t... Go to the full post »

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I followed your instructions and this is what happened. I apologize that I didn't see the edit to your post sooner.

I just blacked out my last name for privacy purposes on here.

Thank you again for your continued support.


EDIT: I copied and pasted your command prompt, as I didn't realize there was a space. See command2.png. Nothing changed when I went into power settings.


Attached Thumbnails

  • command.png
  • command2.png

Edited by jrsollas, 05 June 2020 - 03:06 PM.

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    Mechanised Mod

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Not sure what has happened there as the Power Plan is Windows as opposed to HP software related, did you restart the notebook and then check the Power Plan options.


Lets try a different approach, change the Power Plan to High Performance, shutdown the computer completely (not restart) press the power on button to see if the High Performance setting has made any difference.

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Good afternoon :)

I did restart the notebook initially and there was no change to the Power Plans. This morning when I saw your reply, I did go to power settings, changed a custom setting to High Performance and it did not seem to make ay difference after I powered on the computer. It stayed at a light black screen for about a minute or two and then started loading. When it did reload, it automatically brought up the page I was on last. I checked the task manager and I screen shot what it looked like about five full minutes after I began the process.


EDIT: I wanted to show you what it looked like eight minutes after start up in the second scan


EDIT 2 After i try to open Twitch STudio which completely locks everything up

Attached Thumbnails

  • fiveminutecheck.png
  • eight minutes.png
  • twitchstartup.png

Edited by jrsollas, 06 June 2020 - 10:25 AM.

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    Mechanised Mod

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Thanks for the update but can I ask that you please keep Twitch out of the equation, we are only trying to sort out the slow boot times at the moment and as mentioned on two previous occasions slow boot times and Twitch are most unlikely related, poor computer spec and internet service are likely to cause problems with Twitch but neither will have any bearing on boot times.

Does the computer boot up any quicker with the Power Plan set to High Performance.

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I apologize for bringing it up. I will not mention that again, unless otherwise asked.

It did not seem to make any difference changing the Power Plan to High Performance. To me, it seems identical.

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    Mechanised Mod

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The computer not booting any quicker after changing the Power Plan suggests that it is most likely software as opposed to hardware related.


Best thing to try next is a clean boot, this will only load what is required for Windows to be able to boot, if the computer boots faster under a clean boot you then re enable one or two things at a time to see if enabling any particular program results in the slow boot time returning.


Windows 10 clean boot info here go straight the How to perform a clean boot steps.

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I've done a clean boot and still no improvements. It takes a good two minutes plus from when it says Windows until the black screen goes away and loads up the password protection Windows screen. I'm not sure what else can be done. I have nothing enabled for start up. Sorry about the difficulty with this.

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    Mechanised Mod

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Absolutely no need for any apology  :no:


Not a good sign still being slow in a clean boot environment, it only leave hardware or Windows as being the cause, we will check the health of the HDD next.


Download and run CrystalDisk info standard edition from here


Run the program, grab any screenshots and attach to your next reply for us if you will.

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I took two screenshots in case it didn't show on one page :)

Attached Thumbnails

  • crystaldiskpage1.png
  • crystaldiskpage2.png

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    Mechanised Mod

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The HDD being the 5400rpm type will be slow but you would be used to that so that is not the issue and there looks to be nothing amiss with the drive itself.


Only two other suggestions i`m afraid, upgrading the RAM so that it works in dual channel and clean installing Windows and the system drivers.


Edit to add: The below from your Speccy report;


Memory slots
Total memory slots: 2
Used memory slots: 1
Free memory slots: 1
Type: DDR3
Size: 8192 MBytes
Channels #: Single
DRAM Frequency: 797.9 MHz The RAM being in single channel means that it is only working at 50% of what it can, 800MHz as opposed to 1600MHz.
CAS# Latency (CL): 11 clocks
RAS# to CAS# Delay (tRCD): 11 clocks
RAS# Precharge (tRP): 11 clocks
Cycle Time (tRAS): 28 clocks
Command Rate (CR): 1T
Physical Memory
Memory Usage: 49 % Because the RAM is only working in single channel a lot more is being used, almost half of your RAM is being used when the computer is not under any load.
Total Physical: 7.84 GB
Available Physical: 3.96 GB
Total Virtual: 12 GB
Available Virtual: 7.85 GB

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Upgrading RAM: Is that worth it for a laptop of this age/style (in your opinion)?

What would a clean Windows install take? What would I lose?

Thanks in advance for your help :)

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    Mechanised Mod

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✓  Best Answer

Did you notice my edited reply #25.


Upgrading the RAM is the best and least expensive option.


There are a couple of ways to reinstall Windows, properly and by a reset within Windows, as to what you lose, you should lose nothing as anything that you truly value should be backed up, computers can break, Windows become corrupt or a HDD fail at any time, too late to save your data then so it should be backed up on a regular basis.

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Sorry, I think we were replying at the same time, so I didn't see your edit when I posted my question. Would it be beneficial to clean Windows first? I am not very tech savvy with this sort of thing.

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    Mechanised Mod

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The reasoning behind suggesting a clean install is because you have noticed slow boot times, none of your hardware has changed, same CPU, HDD and RAM as you have always had which means that something on the HDD is the cause, you tried a clean boot which only loads Windows components, the issue was the same so that realistically only leaves Windows.


I would 100% be upgrading the RAM when you are able to though.

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Okay, I will do that then. Thank you so much for your time and assistance through this. It is much appreciated.

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