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Issue with Open Office spreadsheet

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I have been using Open Office for years and recently something changed on their spreadsheets.

I assume it was me, who did something unknowingly.


Suddenly some of the boxes on my spreadsheets have a red border and changing the content does not always work.

I have attached a pic.


And if I move the cursor over one of these boxes, a new box appears telling me in what way I changed that box recently.


If anybody could help me to get rid of these red lines and everything that is attached to that, I would be very grateful and happy.


Thanks, gis

Attached Thumbnails

  • temp open office2.png

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    Mechanised Mod

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Hello gismeu,


I don`t use Open Office so not familiar with how it works but when you have problems with an application the best and quickest fix most often is to back up your docs, uninstall and then clean install the problem app.

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I have so many Open Office docs in a huge number of files, so not sure to back them up would be an easy thing to do.

Or would I keep those docs and only need the back-up if  something goes wrong with the new installation?


Thanks, gis

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    Mechanised Mod

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Your documents should all be stored somewhere else, in a folder called Open Office docs for example and if of real importance backed up to somewhere like the Cloud.


At the moment what you have is an irritant that you are putting up with because O/O is still working but what if this is just the start of something more serious and something that renders the app useless, best to back the info up, check that all of the info is safe and only then uninstall and then clean install the problem app.

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Okay, thanks, will do.



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    Mechanised Mod

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You are welcome  :)

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I use LibreOffice but it have something similar to track document changes.


On Open Office Check Edit > Changes > Record option you probably have to stop the Record.

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I use LibreOffice but it have something similar to track document changes.


On Open Office Check Edit > Changes > Record option you probably have to stop the Record.

You da man, SleepyDude!


That did the trick  :)


Thank you ever so much, gis

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    Mechanised Mod

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Glad you got it sorted and thanks for providing the solution SleepyDude  :thumbsup:

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Thank you for your answer, the same problem was happening to me and I was searching for the answer in the internet and I got the answer here. I followed your words and my Open Office spreadsheet was solved. I am very happy that I could not stop myself from answering.

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