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Password Reset

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Moderator :

                   I'm having a serious problem resetting my password.  First,  I haven't been here in a while, so I forgot my password.   I tried going through the hoops to reset it.  But, that didn't work. So.....how do I reset it.   My current e-mail is : xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx




Edit by phillpower2: Removed email address for security.

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    Mechanised Mod

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Sorry Gary but members accounts are not something that Mods are able to assist you with when it comes to making changes etc, I could be wrong but almost certain that only an admin can assist you with this, a Glo Mo will soon let you know if they can.


Meanwhile, can you tell us what you have already tried.


NB: Not a good idea to post your email address on an open forum, bad guys/spammers etc use such info to try and exploit people.

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Sorry for writing here but I want someone to delete my account cause I can't find how to do it. 


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phillpower2: I understand from your post above that members are not allowed to help other members in changing one's GtG pasword; that such requests for help must be made to the Administrator. Is that really so?


Can you please tell me HOW I can reach an Administrator?


Thanks. .... batpark

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    Mechanised Mod

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Members cannot delete their own account only an admin can do that and only in exceptional circumstances, easiest thing to do is just unsubscribe from notifications.


All admin are identifiable by their red badge, see members list here


Abandoned thread closed.

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