Is there a quick easy way to download photos from a I Phone 6 to a laptop..not using Itunes or cloud.
I am relatively new to using an I Phone... and have some minimal knolwedge on certain well as some advice from my brother who knows more..
but he admotts to NOT being updated for a while..
He had suggested that I would have to use either I tunes or Cloud to download any photos from my I Phone 6...which unfortunatley for me has now become full with photos and videos..
that I would like to save to my laptop. and functions will not work on my Iphone while its too full up with to many photos or file space..
I want to try to find if its possible to download some photos to my laptop hopefully quite quick and easy...without risking downloading some sort of risky software..that may spy on me or badly effect my computer...
On doing some browsing.. I came across some webpages or websites that seem to suggest that there maybe some sort of software that you can download and use to download photos / videos
maybe quicker than using I Tunes
I came across this webpage as an eg that may suggest is ok to download photos from an I Phone..
BUt I wondered if any of the more experienced members may be able to recommend any such software that they would recommend. Hopefully that would be a Free download..
I dont reallly want to download and use I Tunes onto my laptop if that is possible to find any suitable good alternative ..
thank you
Edited by dowsp, 14 July 2020 - 02:08 PM.