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Windows 10 PC Virtually Dead After Windows Update. (Resolved).

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Best Answer phillpower2 , 18 July 2020 - 04:12 AM

See if you are able to force the computer to start in the Windows Recovery Environment (RE) by starting up and shutting down the computer two or three times using the case power button, please note... Go to the full post »

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Waste of Space

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I let Windows run an update on my PC at lunchtime today and now when I try to boot up, all that happens is the LEDs light up on the front of the PC, the Dell logo shows on the screen, the thing that goes round and round onscreen does so for maybe 30 seconds and then the screen  goes black and remains black. The update has killed my PC and I haven't a clue what to do.  I can't even get it to boot up.


It's a new PC and I'm in real trouble here. Is there something I can download that'll fix things....if I can get as far as booting up in the first place?


If you can help me here, it'd be a real life-saver.  Thanks so much.


(Sent from my old PC which keeps cutting out due to a worn-out transformer.)



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    Mechanised Mod

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✓  Best Answer

See if you are able to force the computer to start in the Windows Recovery Environment (RE) by starting up and shutting down the computer two or three times using the case power button, please note that you need to shut down the computer after the Dell logo and just before Windows attempts to load, if successful you should then continue to the Troubleshooting options and then hopefully be able to use a system restore point or Safe Mode etc.  


Good luck, be sure to post back and let us know how it goes or if you have any questions along the way.


Edit to add;


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Waste of Space

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Phillpower, enormous thanks for the immensely helpful suggestion you provided.  For all I know, I may need to use the routine again at some point in the future, so I'll print it off and keep it stashed away somewhere safe.  I had no idea you could force a PC into the Recovery Environment by repeatedly starting it up and shutting it down.  But hey, I do now, thanks to you.


I had a hunch that once I got back in, I should perhaps act on the suspicion that the problem had been caused by a Windows Defender update disagreeing with Malwarebytes Premium, so I deactivated Premium and uninstalled Malwarebytes altogether, restarted the PC, cleaned out all trace of their products, restarted again, ran the Tweaking.com Windows Repair program, restarted again....and things then appeared to be more or less back to normal.  I reinstalled Malwarebytes Premium and so far everything is looking fine again.  The only worry is that presumably this could now happen every single time there's a Defender update until all such updates cease forever.


Thank you again for your help, sincerely.

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Waste of Space:


Your computer may have updated to Windows Version 2004.  If so, Malwarebytes Premium is the source of your issues.  It is not fully compatible and causes all kinds of issue on certain computers.  Please see this post, and more, in this Malwarebytes Forum.


In addition to what is suggested in that specific post, I would recommend shutting off "Fast Startup", enabled by default.  Also switch to accepting Beta versions, under Settings, General, and download the latest Beta Version.  Disable the Ransomware Protection module.  I have had to do this with both of my computers, running Version 2004, to have reasonably acceptable performance.


Malwarebytes is ACTIVELY investigating this issue, and has been for over a month.  A fix is expected soon, possibly even this week.  You will find lots of posts, including one by yours truly, about the problems caused by updating to Version 2004 of Windows if you have Malwarebytes Premium.  I don't use Windows Defender (I am a Bitdefender 2020 Total Security user), so I doubt that it is a Windows Defender update causing your issues.  I had to tweak Malwarebytes Premium to delay start-up to permit my Bitdefender to successfully load first.  A lot of people have spent a lot of time trying to figure out what has gone wrong with their computers, as a result of this incompatibility.


I hope this helps.  Have a great day.





PS: phillpower2: My apologies for "hijacking" your thread. :(

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    Mechanised Mod

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Thanks for the additional support Phil and likewise to WoS for letting us know that the previous information had helped  :thumbsup:

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I had a similar issue, and oddly enough i kept getting the black screen of death. I searched and searched for fixes etc, and it was a wierd one i found..i cant remember exactly what the combination was, you can google it and i wish i could post the link but i didnt bookmark the site, but anyway the directions were to shut off the computer, then restart it and i had to press a combination of keys when the logo started showing, and it was wierd like i hade to press the down arrow twice then hit the windows key with the shift key and delete key then the like release and press the spacebar and another key together..idk something weird that was not it i was just trying to point out it was wierd like that..then once the computer fully restarted it passed the logo and login and went right to my desktop and that was it..works ever since.

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