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Laptop does not recognize factory original battery and will not charge

battery nor recognizing battery

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don't know 88339

don't know 88339

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I have a lenovo think pad x230 and I'm getting a pop up telling me that the laptop no longer sees a factory battery in the lap top and will  not charge it but the battery is the original battery and has been taking charges fine for the last 2-3 months. It seemed to happen on the same day that MS sent an update I take it there is some sort of hand shake between the laptop and the battery and that isn't working. I've chkd the battery and cleaned it but it wasn't really that dirty, I made sure the battery was tight and there was no difference after I did that. I've tried draining the capacitors twice and that didn't change anything I tried uninstalling the ACPT Compliant Control Listings I'm pretty sure it didn't uninstall but the pop up was so quick I'm not sure it did or didn't uninstall. I tried that twice and it didn't work either. I'm pretty sure the problem lies with the MS update but I don't know how to access it and I don't know what to look for. There was another MS update a  few days ago but it didn't fix the problem either. Any help would be appreciated I'm also very new to computers so I need a thorough and simple explanation or at least show me where to go to find a simple explanation. Thanks.

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You can back out the last two updates:




Assume you have seen this:




Apparently the battery check is controlled by the BIOS.  There is a procedure to flash the BIOS to remove the check.



I also found this discussion which might be useful:


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don't know 88339

don't know 88339

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Thanks that's very helpful I'll chk out the sites and try what they have to say and yes I was on Lenovo Forums but didn't get any suggestions as to where to look for the answer there was a quick response but then they wanted screen shots and I couldn't get the screen shot to show up on my reply. Wasted a lot of time trying to find an answer to it before I tried coming here. Good stuff thanks. 

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Good luck!

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don't know 88339

don't know 88339

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Thanks, I'm sorry to take so long to reply I've been side tracked with problems and distracted not to mention problems with sleeping but I flashed the BIOS with no results which isn't too surprising seeing as how the new program was only a month or so newer then the one that came with the laptop. I haven't tried deleting the updates I wanted to keep them for the security measures I was wondering about finding the Lenovo program for battery recognition and either disabling it or uninstalling it. It's only there to increase battery sales for Lenovo but I'm wondering if it will affect the charging program. I'm thinking it should be something separate and only turn the charger on and off when the battery is recognized if I uninstall the program it should have no effect on it's ability to recharge the battery. Would that work? I was also thinking of using a restore point before this happened but I'm wondering what affect that would have on MS updates? Would they all be eliminated and I'd have to restore them individually? If that's true how do I do that? Or has it no effect on the updates and only on the laptops programs? Thanks for any help I'm a little fed up with this problem so I want to spend more time to fix it. I don't have much time on the computer I've got a bunch of other things to do on it and this isn't a serious problem just annoying and when I'm not on the computer I am working on other projects that are more important but this is ridiculous it needs to be fixed so I can get on with other things. Thanks again. 

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The software that detects the battery lives in the BIOS.  You need to flash the BIOS with the patch here:


Looks rather complicated tho.  Make sure you read all of the instructions and understand them before you try anything.  Should not have any real effect on battery life.


If you use a Restore Point you usually lose all of your updates that were installed after the Restore Point was made.  Windows will them redownload and install them.

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don't know 88339

don't know 88339

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Thanks for the information and I went to the site and I'm pretty sure I've already downloaded the BIOS 277 locked version of the update and there was no effect on the problem. I also went into MS updates and found there wasn't one but 2 updates on the same day. One was for the regular program and the other was for security I thought that the regular program was probably the problem and I didn't want to uninstall the security update so I uninstalled the regular program update. It didn't work I went back to the update list to uninstall the security update only the list was gone and it started to load the list but the bar graph only gets to about 90-95% of the end of the bar and refuses to finish loading even leaving it there for over a half hour. So is there any other means of accessing this damned battery id program to uninstall it, change it or disable it? Thanks again for all the help I appreciate your efforts. 

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Did you try using System Restore to go back to an earlier date?


Speccy will show you your BIOS version:


Get the free version of Speccy:


(Look in the upper right for the Download
Latest Version button  - Do NOT press the large Start Download button on the upper left!)  
Download, Save and Install it.  Tell it you do not need CCLEANER.    Run Speccy.  When it finishes (the little icon in the bottom left will stop moving),
File, Save as Text File,  (to your desktop) note the name it gives. OK.  Open the file in notepad and delete the line that gives the serial number of your Operating System.  
(It will be near the top,  10-20  lines down.) Save the file.  Attach the file to your next post.  Attaching the log is the best option as it is too big for the forum.  Attaching is a multi step process.

First click on More Reply Options
Then scroll down to where you see
Choose File and click on it.  Point it at the file and hit Open.
Now click on Attach this file.


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don't know 88339

don't know 88339

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Thanks for your reply it's much appreciated yes I did try a Restore Point to an earlier date but then I couldn't access either of my browsers (Edge, Chrome) I took me awhile to figure out what happened then I figured I try another Restore Point only bring it forward. When I went to the program I saw I could undo the last Restore Point which I did and at first Chrome worked but not Edge then later Edge kicked in and it's been fine since then. I was poking around the computer trying to find something else I might do and found a Firmware update so I downloaded that and installed it and ran it. It came back with a Primary Battery information and it showed 2 different batteries part #'s the first was 0003-0086-0100-016B the new # was 00003-0086-0101-0205 I then went ahead a tried to run the program to fix the problem but when I clkd on it at first there was a note saying the battery has to be 80% charged and to have the AC adapter plugged in which it was. It wouldn't run the program because of an error but it doesn't say what the error is although I suspect it has to do with the battery which is only at 7% I've run the program 2 more times with the same result. I feel this is what the problem is with the battery ID program and it looks like I have a solution but it won't work is there any way to to change this number manually? Or is there some round about way to recharge the battery if that is the problem? I don't have time this moment to follow through on your instructions although I'll sure work on it for sure but there are a lot of things your talking about here about what to do that I've never heard of before so it'll take me some time to figure out how to follow through on all this. Damned instructions on computers are always so damned feeble and are never enough for a novice like me to be able to understand what to do when they tell me to do something I've never done before. The other damned problem with instructions is that it doesn't always apply to what my laptop so I can sometimes figure it out but a lot of the time I have instructions that do not apply to my laptop. So trying to figure out your request is going to take some time but I'll figure it out it's just going to take some time. Thanks again I appreciate all your help it makes a big difference.

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Probably could have reinstalled both Chrome and Edge but too late now.


Most computers use an 18 volt battery.  I suppose you could charge it with any 18 V DC source even the computer's power adapter.  Just would have to get the polarities correct and figure out some way to hold the wires in place.  Probably need a voltmeter to determine polarities.  Found this:


If you have a problem with any of the instructions just come back here and ask.

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don't know 88339

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I just finished reading your reply and thanks again for the instructions I watched the video too and that was helpful I'm going to see if I can find someone who can duplicate what the video does and recharge the battery for me without charging me an arm and a leg. I'll find out today if I can find someone to do that and hopefully that will end this damnable chase. Thanks again. 

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don't know 88339

don't know 88339

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Back, sorry to take so long getting back but my energy levels have been really low again and haven't been able to try the fixs I know a place where I can try and get the battery recharged but it will take me an hour or so to get there by bus. I just didn't have the energy to do that but a few days ago I went on the laptop and there wasn't an "escape" window the showed up and after the start window showed up there was usually a pop up that would arrive telling me to get a Lenovo battery and that didn't show up either. I chkd the battery icon and it showed that it was charging so I clkd on it to see what the pop up would say and yes it was charging. I let it charge up and later went looking for the Firmware update and ran it too it still showed 2 part numbers for the battery so that hadn't changed at least according to the box and I ran the program again to change it but I got the same error message. So the error wasn't in the discharged battery it was something else I haven't had time to fiddle with it lately just not sleeping well and not enough time during the day to fiddle with it. I'm guessing that maybe the battery being run down to 0% charge for a week or so may have overridden the program some how to get it to recharging. I don't know how hokey that is but it's the only explanation I can think of I still want to change that dble part number in the Firmware program I don't want to leave it like that and I still want to delete or disable the Lenovo battery id program too. Pisses me off that Lenovo would pull a stupid stunt like that just to sell more of their damned batteries. So I'll poke around with it and see what I can come up with, thanks for all the help I appreciate it it's helpful finding someone who can answer questions these things are so complicated and the instructions I get to explain things are so pathetic I need some one to help answer my beginner questions. I'll be back I'm sure but I don't know when but thanks again. 

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If your Lenovo is not charging even plugged in, you can also try power resetting your laptop, and this method works for many people who have the same issue. Here’s what you need to do:
Shut down your laptop.
Unplug your charger (power cable).
Remove the battery from your laptop.
Press and hold the power button for 30 seconds, then release it.
Put your battery back in and plug your charger into your laptop.
Turn on your computer, and it should start charging now.
A missing or outdated battery driver in your Lenovo can also cause the “plugged in not charging” issue. So you should make sure that your battery driver is up to date, and update it if it’s not.
You can go to the manufacturer’s website, and download and install the latest version of your battery driver.

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