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The boot configuration data store could not be opened. The volume for

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Hello to everyone.

At the beginning I'd installed windows 10 with the legacy BIOS-MBR boot mode,but since I needed a Windows 10 installation that was able to boot using the EFI partition style,I have converted the partition scheme from MBR to UEFI with a tool and after this operation I have reinstalled Windows 10 from an old backup. This backup comes from the old BIOS/MBR installation of Windows 10. When I tried to boot Windows,I realized that it was not able to do that (no error message.but blinking cursor). I have so realized that the EFI partition didn't exist. So,I have created a new FAT32 partition and I have repaired the EFI partition following this guide :

How to Restore Deleted EFI System Partition in Windows 10? | Windows OS Hub

it worked,but only partially. Infact,since I need to put the "TESTSIGNING ON",when I gave this command :

Bcdedit.exe -set TESTSIGNING ON


I've got this error :

The boot configuration data store could not be opened. The volume for a file has been externally altered so that the opened file is no longer valid.

I tried a lot of methods to fix it,but right now unsuccesfully. Can someone help me ? thanks.

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As u can see on the pictures attached below,the reinstallation of the EFI boot files worked great and now I'm using windows,but I still get the same error :




(keep in consideration that windows is on drive E: and the EFI partition on drive Z). I suspect that I should make some modification on the BCD store after having rebuilded the BCD with Windows 10 running.

Edited by ziomario, 19 September 2020 - 12:30 PM.

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so ? what should I do ? I need to put the TESTSIGNING ON.

Edited by ziomario, 19 September 2020 - 04:05 PM.

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yes,I need it,because I need to use an unsigned (signed by me) driver. My unsigned driver gives to me this error :


Windows cannot verify the digital signature for the drivers required for this device. A recent hardware or software change might have installed a file that is signed incorrectly or damaged, or that might be malicious software from an unknown source. (Code 52)


so I need to enable it.

Edited by ziomario, 20 September 2020 - 04:47 AM.

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I have also tried to do that going on the group policy changing this policy setting :
User Configuration ->Administrative Templates -> System -> Driver Installation -> Code signing for drivers


and setting it to "Enable / Ignore" :


but it didn't work. Infact it says that Windows 10 is not supported...

Edited by ziomario, 20 September 2020 - 05:03 AM.

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I've fixed the error making the ISO image of my windows installation and then I have reinstalled it using a tool called "WintoHDD". Without this tool it won't work. Infact,I tried several times to reinstall Windows 10 from the USB stick in a EFI mode with an EFI partition style scheme,but it seems not able to create the EFI partition. In addition,it writes some boot values inside the EFI partition of the NVME disk (that I can't disable from the BIOS). I put it as secondary boot disk but it didn't work anyway. Infact windows 10 can't boot if it is installed as a sata disk and if it is not the only disk on the PC or if it is not on the first place. I'm not sure what's the true.

Edited by ziomario, 21 September 2020 - 01:20 PM.

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