i have come into possession of an older acer lap top... a 7520 . nice big screen runs and drives fine ... give or take. it hadn't been started since 2008 give or take . i scrubbed all the old software off it doing simple uninstalls . it had google and ie8 as browsers on it. i hate google so tried to get rid of it and thats where the issues started. google would start but not down load edge. . ie 8 wouldn't download anything at all . i have had this issue in the past and often it was that certain windows updates were missing... so i went to windows updates and tried to do them. windows update failed with error 8007000e message no amount of screwing around with settings would make any dif . so i did a fresh win 7 install with a legit disc. got all done everything lights up normally but still same problem.
finally got edge to dowload thru ie8 but edge won't let me log in.... says i need ie11. no prob. i try to dl ie11 and it says " your version of windows not compatible " i figure its looking for 12 years of missing updates.
i thought it might be that win 7 was end of days but my other systems look for and find updates just fine. now.... i am not a geek like you guys... im a 70 year old engineer that can fumble his way thru most stuff but this sytem has me stopped dead. i can't do anything i need to do unless i can get this thing to update.
whats the answer ?