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Someone hacked into personal message in my FB messenger

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My FB Messenger is being hacked by someone. Particularly, one of my FB friends and I cannot chat privately because someone has found a way to monitor our conversations. He (or she) watches our conversations, and is able to break in and type to either of us. I believe it to be a male, and this person makes lewd remarks and can totally disrupt our chat sessions. He can also manipulate Emoji's and he can delete his sometimes dirty comments. I am totally Pissed off because of this person being able to monitor and completely disrupt chat conversations between my FB friend and myself. I have changed my FB password twice and to no avail. This person STILL comes right back. He does it mostly at night after 9 P.M. What can be done to block this person? Please Help us out ASAP. Thank You....  

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Change your Password. Make it a very difficult one.

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