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http://speccy.pirifo...kaEBAOh8Kk8F7xq There was a message from Bitdefender when I reinstalled it to replace a newer win32driver but I said no cause I didn't know what to do

Edited by Dohnovan, 24 December 2020 - 11:09 PM.

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    Mechanised Mod

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Sorry but not sure what you mean by the above I`m afraid.


Did you try downloading a new version of BD and then uninstalling it.


Your new Speccy report shows BD still present and enabled as is Windows Defender.

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I did uninstall the version you told me to. I'm not sure what the message from BD when installing it meant either.

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    Mechanised Mod

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Download the trial version of Bitdefender ANTIVIRUS PLUS from here let it run on the PC for a while, uninstall it using the uninstaller tool from here restart the PC and check to see if BD has gone,




.​Did you try downloading a new version of BD and then uninstalling it.



As above, did you download a new version first and then uninstalling that, this is normally the only way to get rid of any problem program be it an AV or anything else.

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I downloaded the version you linked and then uninstalled it after leaving it on my pc for a couple hours.

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    Mechanised Mod

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Thanks for clarifying  :thumbsup:


We may need to try getting rid of what is left of BD another way, see the below if you need to, couple of questions first though;


After uninstalling BD this last time did you run Speccy before or after you had restarted the computer, if before;


Have you run Speccy since restarting the computer to see if Speccy is still there.


If BD is still listed in Speccy after you restarted the computer;


Post an Autoruns log for us, download from here  


1: Extract the Autoruns Zip file contents to a folder.

2: Double-click the "Autoruns.exe".

3: Click on the "Hide Signed Microsoft and Windows Entries” option.

4: Go to File then to Export As or Save in some versions.

5: Save AutoRuns.txt file to known location like your Desktop > when you click on File > Save you will then get the option to Save as type, click the drop down tab, change it to Text and then click the Save button.

6: Attach to your next reply.


Tutorial here

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I went to the options and clicked on "hide microsoft entries", "hide windows entries" was already checked but when I clicked "hide microsoft entries" the "hide windows entries" grayed out but it's still checked, right now "hide empty spaces" and "hide microsoft entries" are checked with a blue box, but like I said the "hide windows entries" is grayed out. Is this correct? I know you said "Hide Signed Microsoft and Windows Entries”, but in the options it does not say "signed". 

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    Mechanised Mod

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Sorry about that, you only need to select the second option down which is the "Hide Microsoft and Windows Entries

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"HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\SafeBoot\AlternateShell" "" "" "" "12/7/2019 2:15 AM" ""
+ "cmd.exe" "Windows Command Processor" "(Verified) Microsoft Windows" "c:\windows\system32\cmd.exe" "1/26/2037 8:29 AM" ""
"HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run" "" "" "" "6/18/2020 1:38 PM" ""
+ "Discord" "Discord - https://discord.com/" "(Verified) Discord Inc." "c:\programdata\squirrelmachineinstalls\discord.exe" "6/1/2020 1:52 PM" ""
"HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run" "" "" "" "12/9/2020 7:01 PM" ""
+ "CCleaner Smart Cleaning" "CCleaner" "(Verified) Piriform Software Ltd" "c:\program files\ccleaner\ccleaner64.exe" "11/10/2020 12:08 PM" ""
+ "Discord" "Update" "(Verified) Discord Inc." "c:\users\dohnovan\appdata\local\discord\update.exe" "6/1/2020 1:58 PM" ""
+ "Gyazo" "GyStation" "(Verified) Nota Inc." "c:\program files (x86)\gyazo\gystation.exe" "3/29/2020 6:35 PM" ""
+ "Steam" "Steam Client Bootstrapper" "(Verified) Valve" "c:\program files (x86)\steam\steam.exe" "12/20/2020 4:10 PM" ""
+ "Synapse3" "Razer Synapse 3" "(Verified) Razer USA Ltd." "c:\program files (x86)\razer\synapse3\wpfui\framework\razer synapse 3 host\razer synapse 3.exe" "9/1/1956 6:51 PM" ""
"C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup" "" "" "" "6/18/2020 2:39 PM" ""
+ "SteelSeries Engine 3.lnk" "SteelSeries Engine 3 Core" "(Verified) SteelSeries ApS" "c:\program files\steelseries\steelseries engine 3\steelseriesengine3.exe" "12/21/2020 12:50 PM" ""
"HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components" "" "" "" "9/19/2020 2:59 PM" ""
+ "Brave" "Brave Installer" "(Verified) Brave Software, Inc." "c:\program files\bravesoftware\brave-browser\application\\installer\chrmstp.exe" "12/4/2020 8:49 AM" ""
+ "Google Chrome" "Google Chrome Installer" "(Verified) Google LLC" "c:\program files (x86)\google\chrome\application\87.0.4280.88\installer\chrmstp.exe" "12/1/2020 5:28 PM" ""
+ "OpenVPN Setup" "" "" "File not found: reg" "" ""
"HKLM\Software\Classes\*\ShellEx\ContextMenuHandlers" "" "" "" "12/24/2020 4:31 PM" ""
+ "WinRAR" "WinRAR shell extension" "(Verified) win.rar GmbH" "c:\program files\winrar\rarext.dll" "4/27/2019 1:03 PM" ""
"HKLM\Software\Classes\Directory\Background\ShellEx\ContextMenuHandlers" "" "" "" "12/24/2020 4:31 PM" ""
+ "ACE" "Radeon Software: Desktop Control Panel" "(Verified) Advanced Micro Devices, Inc." "c:\windows\system32\atiacm64.dll" "11/13/2020 12:47 PM" ""
"HKLM\Software\Classes\Folder\ShellEx\ContextMenuHandlers" "" "" "" "12/24/2020 4:31 PM" ""
+ "WinRAR" "WinRAR shell extension" "(Verified) win.rar GmbH" "c:\program files\winrar\rarext.dll" "4/27/2019 1:03 PM" ""
"HKLM\Software\Classes\Folder\ShellEx\DragDropHandlers" "" "" "" "6/18/2020 1:36 PM" ""
+ "WinRAR" "WinRAR shell extension" "(Verified) win.rar GmbH" "c:\program files\winrar\rarext.dll" "4/27/2019 1:03 PM" ""
"HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\ShellIconOverlayIdentifiers" "" "" "" "11/30/2020 2:32 PM" ""
+ "HitmanPro.Alert Shell Extension" "HitmanPro.Alert 64-bit Shell Extension" "(Verified) SurfRight B.V." "c:\windows\system32\hmpshell.dll" "12/4/2020 10:02 AM" ""
"HKLM\Software\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Browser Helper Objects" "" "" "" "12/24/2020 4:31 PM" ""
+ "ArcPluginIEBHO Class" "" "" "File not found: C:\Program Files (x86)\Arc\Plugins\ArcPluginIE.dll" "" ""
"Task Scheduler" "" "" "" "" ""
+ "\AMDInstallLauncher" "AMD Install Manager" "(Verified) Advanced Micro Devices, Inc." "c:\program files\amd\cim\bin64\installmanagerapp.exe" "11/13/2020 12:46 PM" ""
+ "\AMDLinkUpdate" "AMD Install Manager" "(Verified) Advanced Micro Devices, Inc." "c:\program files\amd\cim\bin64\installmanagerapp.exe" "11/13/2020 12:46 PM" ""
+ "\CCleanerSkipUAC" "CCleaner" "(Verified) Piriform Software Ltd" "c:\program files\ccleaner\ccleaner.exe" "11/10/2020 12:07 PM" ""
+ "\EOSv3 Scheduler onLogOn" "ESET Online Scanner" "(Verified) ESET, spol. s r.o." "c:\users\dohnovan\downloads\esetonlinescanner_enu.exe" "10/26/2020 4:54 AM" ""
+ "\EOSv3 Scheduler onTime" "ESET Online Scanner" "(Verified) ESET, spol. s r.o." "c:\users\dohnovan\downloads\esetonlinescanner_enu.exe" "10/26/2020 4:54 AM" ""
+ "\GyazoUpdateTaskMachine" "Gyazo Auto Update Machine" "(Verified) Nota Inc." "c:\program files (x86)\gyazo\gyazoupdate.exe" "7/31/2017 8:20 AM" ""
+ "\GyazoUpdateTaskMachineDaily" "Gyazo Auto Update Machine" "(Verified) Nota Inc." "c:\program files (x86)\gyazo\gyazoupdate.exe" "7/31/2017 8:20 AM" ""
+ "\SSAudioSvc32Run" "" "(Verified) A-Volute" "c:\program files\steelseries\ss audio\foundation\ssaudiosvc32.exe" "1/8/2020 3:06 AM" ""
+ "\SSAudioSvc64Run" "" "(Verified) A-Volute" "c:\program files\steelseries\ss audio\foundation\x64\ssaudiosvc64.exe" "1/8/2020 3:09 AM" ""
+ "\StartCN" "Radeon Software: Command Line Interface" "(Verified) Advanced Micro Devices, Inc." "c:\program files\amd\cnext\cnext\cncmd.exe" "11/13/2020 1:00 PM" ""
+ "\StartCNBM" "Radeon Software: Command Line Interface" "(Verified) Advanced Micro Devices, Inc." "c:\program files\amd\cnext\cnext\cncmd.exe" "11/13/2020 1:00 PM" ""
+ "\StartDVR" "Radeon Settings: Command Line Interface" "(Verified) Advanced Micro Devices, Inc." "c:\program files\amd\cnext\cnext\rsservcmd.exe" "11/13/2020 12:46 PM" ""
"HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Services" "" "" "" "12/26/2020 9:11 PM" ""
+ "AfVpnService" "AfVpnService: " "" "File not found: C:\Program Files\Bitdefender\Bitdefender VPN\hydra.sdk.windows.service.exe" "" ""
+ "AMD External Events Utility" "AMD External Events Utility: AMD External Events Service Module" "(Verified) Advanced Micro Devices, Inc." "c:\windows\system32\driverstore\filerepository\c0361132.inf_amd64_1f7832db1fb1721f\b361196\atiesrxx.exe" "11/13/2020 12:48 PM" ""
+ "ArcService" "Arc Service:  Launch Arc game platform" "(Verified) Perfect World Entertainment" "c:\program files (x86)\arc\arcservice.exe" "5/26/2020 7:04 PM" ""
+ "AUEPLauncher" "AMD User Experience Program Launcher: AMD User Experience Program Launcher" "(Verified) Advanced Micro Devices, Inc." "c:\program files\amd\performance profile client\aueplauncher.exe" "11/13/2020 12:48 PM" ""
+ "BEService" "BattlEye Service: " "(Verified) BattlEye Innovations e.K." "c:\program files (x86)\common files\battleye\beservice.exe" "1/24/2019 10:20 PM" ""
+ "brave" "Brave Update Service (brave): Keeps your Brave software up to date. If this service is disabled or stopped, your Brave software will not be kept up to date, meaning security vulnerabilities that may arise cannot be fixed and features may not work. This service uninstalls itself when there is no Brave software using it." "(Verified) Brave Software, Inc." "c:\program files (x86)\bravesoftware\update\braveupdate.exe" "9/11/2020 3:35 PM" ""
+ "bravem" "Brave Update Service (bravem): Keeps your Brave software up to date. If this service is disabled or stopped, your Brave software will not be kept up to date, meaning security vulnerabilities that may arise cannot be fixed and features may not work. This service uninstalls itself when there is no Brave software using it." "(Verified) Brave Software, Inc." "c:\program files (x86)\bravesoftware\update\braveupdate.exe" "9/11/2020 3:35 PM" ""
+ "EasyAntiCheat" "EasyAntiCheat: Provides integrated security and services for online multiplayer games." "" "File not found: C:\Program Files (x86)\EasyAntiCheat\EasyAntiCheat.exe" "" ""
+ "GoogleChromeElevationService" "Google Chrome Elevation Service: Google Chrome" "(Verified) Google LLC" "c:\program files (x86)\google\chrome\application\87.0.4280.88\elevation_service.exe" "12/1/2020 5:28 PM" ""
+ "gupdate" "Google Update Service (gupdate): Keeps your Google software up to date. If this service is disabled or stopped, your Google software will not be kept up to date, meaning security vulnerabilities that may arise cannot be fixed and features may not work. This service uninstalls itself when there is no Google software using it." "(Verified) Google Inc" "c:\program files (x86)\google\update\googleupdate.exe" "7/13/2017 7:07 PM" ""
+ "gupdatem" "Google Update Service (gupdatem): Keeps your Google software up to date. If this service is disabled or stopped, your Google software will not be kept up to date, meaning security vulnerabilities that may arise cannot be fixed and features may not work. This service uninstalls itself when there is no Google software using it." "(Verified) Google Inc" "c:\program files (x86)\google\update\googleupdate.exe" "7/13/2017 7:07 PM" ""
+ "hmpalertsvc" "HitmanPro.Alert service: Exploit mitigation and web browser intrusion detection, real-time and behavior-based." "(Verified) SurfRight B.V." "c:\program files (x86)\hitmanpro.alert\hmpalert.exe" "12/5/2020 2:58 AM" ""
+ "ibtsiva" "Intel Bluetooth Service: Intel® Wireless Bluetooth® iBtSiva Service" "(Verified) Intel® Wireless Connectivity Solutions" "c:\windows\system32\ibtsiva.exe" "11/5/2018 1:50 AM" ""
+ "MyWiFiDHCPDNS" "Wireless PAN DHCP Server: Wireless PAN DHCP and DNS Server" "(Verified) Intel Corporation-Wireless Connectivity Solutions" "c:\program files\intel\wifi\bin\pandhcpdns.exe" "12/27/2016 3:59 AM" ""
+ "Razer Chroma SDK Server" "Razer Chroma SDK Server: Razer Chroma SDK web interface" "(Verified) Razer USA Ltd." "c:\program files (x86)\razer chroma sdk\bin\rzsdkserver.exe" "7/25/2018 1:20 AM" ""
+ "Razer Chroma SDK Service" "Razer Chroma SDK Service: Provides access to Razer hardware for applications using Razer SDK" "(Verified) Razer USA Ltd." "c:\program files (x86)\razer chroma sdk\bin\rzsdkservice.exe" "9/10/2018 9:22 PM" ""
+ "Razer Game Manager Service" "Razer Game Manager: This service allows for Razer software applications and services to manage the games installed on the system." "(Verified) Razer USA Ltd." "c:\program files (x86)\razer\razer services\gms\gamemanagerservice.exe" "12/1/2020 1:10 AM" ""
+ "Razer Synapse Service" "Razer Synapse Service: Razer Synapse Service" "(Verified) Razer USA Ltd." "c:\program files (x86)\razer\synapse3\service\razer synapse service.exe" "12/10/2020 4:19 AM" ""
+ "RegSrvc" "Intel® PROSet/Wireless Registry Service: Provides registry access to all Intel® PROSet/Wireless Software components" "(Verified) Intel Corporation" "c:\program files\common files\intel\wirelesscommon\regsrvc.exe" "5/14/2019 5:36 AM" ""
+ "RzActionSvc" "Razer Central Service: Razer Central Service" "(Verified) Razer USA Ltd." "c:\program files (x86)\razer\razer services\razer central\razercentralservice.exe" "12/8/2020 7:33 PM" ""
+ "Steam Client Service" "Steam Client Service: Steam Client Service monitors and updates Steam content" "(Verified) Valve" "c:\program files (x86)\common files\steam\steamservice.exe" "12/20/2020 4:09 PM" ""
+ "SteelSeriesUpdateService" "SteelSeries Update Service: Handles update and setup operations for SteelSeries software" "(Verified) SteelSeries ApS" "c:\program files\steelseries\steelseries engine 3\steelseriesupdateservice.exe" "12/21/2020 12:50 PM" ""
+ "ZeroConfigService" "Intel® PROSet/Wireless Zero Configuration Service: Manages the zero configuration service for all the Intel® PROSet/Wireless Software components." "(Verified) Intel Corporation" "c:\program files\intel\wifi\bin\zeroconfigservice.exe" "5/14/2019 5:44 AM" ""
"HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Services" "" "" "" "12/26/2020 9:11 PM" ""
+ "amdgpio2" "AMD GPIO Client Driver: AMD GPIO Controller Driver" "(Verified) Advanced Micro Devices INC." "c:\windows\system32\drivers\amdgpio2.sys" "9/29/2019 8:56 PM" ""
+ "amdkmafd" "AMD Audio Bus Lower Filter: AMD Audio Bus Lower Filter" "(Verified) Advanced Micro Devices, Inc." "c:\windows\system32\drivers\amdkmafd.sys" "5/19/2015 4:26 PM" ""
+ "amdkmcsp" "AMD Kernel Mode CSP Service: amdkmcsp sys" "(Verified) Advanced Micro Devices Inc." "c:\windows\system32\drivers\amdkmcsp.sys" "6/5/2017 2:27 PM" ""
+ "amdkmdag" "amdkmdag: ATI Radeon Kernel Mode Driver" "(Verified) Advanced Micro Devices, Inc." "c:\windows\system32\driverstore\filerepository\c0361132.inf_amd64_1f7832db1fb1721f\b361196\amdkmdag.sys" "11/13/2020 1:08 PM" ""
+ "amdkmpfd" "AMD PCI Root Bus Lower Filter: AMD PCI Root Bus Lower Filter" "(Verified) Advanced Micro Devices, Inc." "c:\windows\system32\drivers\amdkmpfd.sys" "11/6/2020 1:02 PM" ""
+ "AMDPCIDev" "AMD PCI: AMD PCI Device driver" "(Verified) Advanced Micro Devices Inc." "c:\windows\system32\drivers\amdpcidev.sys" "4/11/2018 11:14 PM" ""
+ "amdpsp" "AMD PSP Service: amdpsp sys" "(Verified) Advanced Micro Devices, Inc." "c:\windows\system32\drivers\amdpsp.sys" "9/10/2018 2:42 PM" ""
+ "AMDRyzenMasterDriver" "AMDRyzenMasterDriver: AMD Ryzen Master Service Driver" "(Verified) Advanced Micro Devices, Inc." "c:\program files\amd\performance profile client\ryzenmaster\amdryzenmasterdriver.sys" "11/13/2017 10:58 PM" ""
+ "AMDXE" "AMD Link Controller Emulation: AMD Link Controller Emulation" "(Verified) Advanced Micro Devices, Inc." "c:\windows\system32\drivers\amdxe.sys" "7/23/2020 3:18 PM" ""
+ "asmthub3" "ASMedia USB3.1 Hub Service: ASMedia USB3 Hub Driver" "(Verified) ASMedia Technology Inc." "c:\windows\system32\drivers\asmthub3.sys" "7/10/2016 11:44 PM" ""
+ "asmtxhci" "ASMedia XHCI Service: ASMedia xHCI Host Controller Driver" "(Verified) ASMedia Technology Inc." "c:\windows\system32\drivers\asmtxhci.sys" "7/10/2016 11:44 PM" ""
+ "BthA2dp" "Microsoft Bluetooth A2dp driver: Bluetooth A2DP Driver" "(Not verified) Microsoft Corporation" "c:\windows\system32\drivers\btha2dp.sys" "11/16/2033 3:59 PM" ""
+ "hmpalert" "HitmanPro.Alert Support Driver: HitmanPro.Alert Support Driver" "(Verified) SurfRight B.V." "c:\windows\system32\drivers\hmpalert.sys" "12/4/2020 10:02 AM" ""
+ "iaLPSSi_GPIO" "Intel® Serial IO GPIO Controller Driver: Intel® Serial IO GPIO Controller Driver" "(Verified) Intel Corporation - Client Components Group" "c:\windows\system32\drivers\ialpssi_gpio.sys" "2/2/2015 2:00 AM" ""
+ "IaNVMe" "IaNVMe: NVMe Storport Miniport Driver - x64" "(Verified) Intel® NVMe Windows Driver" "c:\windows\system32\drivers\ianvme.sys" "10/25/2016 1:16 AM" ""
+ "ibtusb" "Intel® Wireless Bluetooth®: Intel® Wireless Bluetooth® Filter Driver" "(Verified) Intel® Wireless Connectivity Solutions" "c:\windows\system32\drivers\ibtusb.sys" "11/5/2018 1:50 AM" ""
+ "Netwtw04" "Intel® Wireless Adapter Driver for Windows 10 - 64 Bit: Intel® Wireless WiFi Link Driver" "(Verified) Intel® Wireless Connectivity Solutions" "c:\windows\system32\drivers\netwtw04.sys" "5/12/2019 12:33 PM" ""
+ "ocznvme" "ocznvme: Toshiba NVMe Driver" "(Verified) Toshiba America Electronic Components, Inc." "c:\windows\system32\drivers\ocznvme.sys" "5/13/2016 7:25 AM" ""
+ "ocztrimfilter" "SSD Device Filter: Toshiba SSD controller TRIM filter driver" "(Verified) Toshiba America Electronic Components, Inc." "c:\windows\system32\drivers\ocztrimfilter.sys" "5/13/2016 7:19 AM" ""
+ "rt640x64" "Realtek RT640 NT Driver: Realtek 8101E/8168/8169 NDIS 6.40 64-bit Driver                " "(Verified) Realtek Semiconductor Corp." "c:\windows\system32\drivers\rt640x64.sys" "7/14/2016 2:04 AM" ""
+ "RzCommon" "Razer Control Service: Razer Common Driver" "(Verified) Razer USA Ltd." "c:\windows\system32\drivers\rzcommon.sys" "11/15/2020 6:55 PM" ""
+ "RzDev_0067" "Razer 0067 Service: Razer Device Driver" "(Verified) Razer USA Ltd." "c:\windows\system32\drivers\rzdev_0067.sys" "8/17/2020 8:56 PM" ""
+ "secnvme" "secnvme: Samsung NVM Express Storport Miniport Driver" "(Verified) Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd." "c:\windows\system32\drivers\secnvme.sys" "12/8/2016 12:32 AM" ""
+ "ssdevfactory" "SteelSeries Device Factory Service: SteelSeries Device Factory Driver" "(Verified) SteelSeries ApS" "c:\windows\system32\drivers\ssdevfactory.sys" "9/15/2020 3:02 PM" ""
+ "usbrndis6" "USB RNDIS6 Adapter: Remote NDIS USB Driver" "(Not verified) Microsoft Corporation" "c:\windows\system32\drivers\usb80236.sys" "3/22/1916 12:09 AM" ""
+ "xhunter1" "xhunter1: XIGNCODE3 System Guard" "(Verified) Wellbia.com Co., Ltd." "c:\windows\xhunter1.sys" "11/7/2017 1:54 AM" ""
+ "ZAM_Guard" "ZAM Guard Driver: ZAM" "(Verified) Zemana Ltd." "c:\windows\system32\drivers\zamguard64.sys" "8/17/2016 10:06 AM" ""
"HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Font Drivers" "" "" "" "12/7/2019 2:17 AM" ""
+ "Adobe Type Manager" "" "" "File not found: atmfd.dll" "" ""
"HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\KnownDlls" "" "" "" "12/7/2019 2:15 AM" ""
+ "_wow64cpu" "" "" "c:\windows\syswow64\wow64cpu.dll" "" ""
+ "_wowarmhw" "" "" "c:\windows\system32\wowarmhw.dll" "" ""
+ "_wowarmhw" "" "" "c:\windows\syswow64\wowarmhw.dll" "" ""
+ "_xtajit" "" "" "c:\windows\system32\xtajit.dll" "" ""
+ "_xtajit" "" "" "c:\windows\syswow64\xtajit.dll" "" ""
+ "wow64" "" "" "c:\windows\syswow64\wow64.dll" "" ""
+ "wow64win" "" "" "c:\windows\syswow64\wow64win.dll" "" ""

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    Mechanised Mod

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Only seeing the one BD entry on the list, you need to delete it, once it has been deleted, restart the computer and check to see if all traces of BD have gone, see To Disable or Delete? info here for how to delete the entry


+ "AfVpnService" "AfVpnService: " "" "File not found: C:\Program Files\Bitdefender\Bitdefender VPN\hydra.sdk.windows.service.exe" "" ""


Your Autoruns log is a mess tbh, bits of security programs dotted here there and everywhere, ESET, Hitman Pro and Zemana are three that I can recall seeing.

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I followed your instructions and deleted BD from the list and restarted my PC. Here is a speccy link and the autoruns info. http://speccy.piriform.com/results/Or7KbpWmJVuFkcQfYUekns3 

"HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\SafeBoot\AlternateShell" "" "" "" "12/7/2019 2:15 AM" ""
+ "cmd.exe" "Windows Command Processor" "(Verified) Microsoft Windows" "c:\windows\system32\cmd.exe" "1/26/2037 8:29 AM" ""
"HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run" "" "" "" "6/18/2020 1:38 PM" ""
+ "Discord" "Discord - https://discord.com/" "(Verified) Discord Inc." "c:\programdata\squirrelmachineinstalls\discord.exe" "6/1/2020 1:52 PM" ""
"HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run" "" "" "" "12/9/2020 7:01 PM" ""
+ "CCleaner Smart Cleaning" "CCleaner" "(Verified) Piriform Software Ltd" "c:\program files\ccleaner\ccleaner64.exe" "11/10/2020 12:08 PM" ""
+ "Discord" "Update" "(Verified) Discord Inc." "c:\users\dohnovan\appdata\local\discord\update.exe" "6/1/2020 1:58 PM" ""
+ "Gyazo" "GyStation" "(Verified) Nota Inc." "c:\program files (x86)\gyazo\gystation.exe" "3/29/2020 6:35 PM" ""
+ "Steam" "Steam Client Bootstrapper" "(Verified) Valve" "c:\program files (x86)\steam\steam.exe" "12/20/2020 4:10 PM" ""
+ "Synapse3" "Razer Synapse 3" "(Verified) Razer USA Ltd." "c:\program files (x86)\razer\synapse3\wpfui\framework\razer synapse 3 host\razer synapse 3.exe" "9/1/1956 6:51 PM" ""
"C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup" "" "" "" "6/18/2020 2:39 PM" ""
+ "SteelSeries Engine 3.lnk" "SteelSeries Engine 3 Core" "(Verified) SteelSeries ApS" "c:\program files\steelseries\steelseries engine 3\steelseriesengine3.exe" "12/21/2020 12:50 PM" ""
"HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components" "" "" "" "9/19/2020 2:59 PM" ""
+ "Brave" "Brave Installer" "(Verified) Brave Software, Inc." "c:\program files\bravesoftware\brave-browser\application\\installer\chrmstp.exe" "12/4/2020 8:49 AM" ""
+ "Google Chrome" "Google Chrome Installer" "(Verified) Google LLC" "c:\program files (x86)\google\chrome\application\87.0.4280.88\installer\chrmstp.exe" "12/1/2020 5:28 PM" ""
+ "OpenVPN Setup" "" "" "File not found: reg" "" ""
"HKLM\Software\Classes\*\ShellEx\ContextMenuHandlers" "" "" "" "12/24/2020 4:31 PM" ""
+ "WinRAR" "WinRAR shell extension" "(Verified) win.rar GmbH" "c:\program files\winrar\rarext.dll" "4/27/2019 1:03 PM" ""
"HKLM\Software\Classes\Directory\Background\ShellEx\ContextMenuHandlers" "" "" "" "12/24/2020 4:31 PM" ""
+ "ACE" "Radeon Software: Desktop Control Panel" "(Verified) Advanced Micro Devices, Inc." "c:\windows\system32\atiacm64.dll" "11/13/2020 12:47 PM" ""
"HKLM\Software\Classes\Folder\ShellEx\ContextMenuHandlers" "" "" "" "12/24/2020 4:31 PM" ""
+ "WinRAR" "WinRAR shell extension" "(Verified) win.rar GmbH" "c:\program files\winrar\rarext.dll" "4/27/2019 1:03 PM" ""
"HKLM\Software\Classes\Folder\ShellEx\DragDropHandlers" "" "" "" "6/18/2020 1:36 PM" ""
+ "WinRAR" "WinRAR shell extension" "(Verified) win.rar GmbH" "c:\program files\winrar\rarext.dll" "4/27/2019 1:03 PM" ""
"HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\ShellIconOverlayIdentifiers" "" "" "" "11/30/2020 2:32 PM" ""
+ "HitmanPro.Alert Shell Extension" "HitmanPro.Alert 64-bit Shell Extension" "(Verified) SurfRight B.V." "c:\windows\system32\hmpshell.dll" "12/4/2020 10:02 AM" ""
"HKLM\Software\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Browser Helper Objects" "" "" "" "12/24/2020 4:31 PM" ""
+ "ArcPluginIEBHO Class" "" "" "File not found: C:\Program Files (x86)\Arc\Plugins\ArcPluginIE.dll" "" ""
"Task Scheduler" "" "" "" "" ""
+ "\AMDInstallLauncher" "AMD Install Manager" "(Verified) Advanced Micro Devices, Inc." "c:\program files\amd\cim\bin64\installmanagerapp.exe" "11/13/2020 12:46 PM" ""
+ "\AMDLinkUpdate" "AMD Install Manager" "(Verified) Advanced Micro Devices, Inc." "c:\program files\amd\cim\bin64\installmanagerapp.exe" "11/13/2020 12:46 PM" ""
+ "\CCleanerSkipUAC" "CCleaner" "(Verified) Piriform Software Ltd" "c:\program files\ccleaner\ccleaner.exe" "11/10/2020 12:07 PM" ""
+ "\EOSv3 Scheduler onLogOn" "ESET Online Scanner" "(Verified) ESET, spol. s r.o." "c:\users\dohnovan\downloads\esetonlinescanner_enu.exe" "10/26/2020 4:54 AM" ""
+ "\EOSv3 Scheduler onTime" "ESET Online Scanner" "(Verified) ESET, spol. s r.o." "c:\users\dohnovan\downloads\esetonlinescanner_enu.exe" "10/26/2020 4:54 AM" ""
+ "\GyazoUpdateTaskMachine" "Gyazo Auto Update Machine" "(Verified) Nota Inc." "c:\program files (x86)\gyazo\gyazoupdate.exe" "7/31/2017 8:20 AM" ""
+ "\GyazoUpdateTaskMachineDaily" "Gyazo Auto Update Machine" "(Verified) Nota Inc." "c:\program files (x86)\gyazo\gyazoupdate.exe" "7/31/2017 8:20 AM" ""
+ "\SSAudioSvc32Run" "" "(Verified) A-Volute" "c:\program files\steelseries\ss audio\foundation\ssaudiosvc32.exe" "1/8/2020 3:06 AM" ""
+ "\SSAudioSvc64Run" "" "(Verified) A-Volute" "c:\program files\steelseries\ss audio\foundation\x64\ssaudiosvc64.exe" "1/8/2020 3:09 AM" ""
+ "\StartCN" "Radeon Software: Command Line Interface" "(Verified) Advanced Micro Devices, Inc." "c:\program files\amd\cnext\cnext\cncmd.exe" "11/13/2020 1:00 PM" ""
+ "\StartCNBM" "Radeon Software: Command Line Interface" "(Verified) Advanced Micro Devices, Inc." "c:\program files\amd\cnext\cnext\cncmd.exe" "11/13/2020 1:00 PM" ""
+ "\StartDVR" "Radeon Settings: Command Line Interface" "(Verified) Advanced Micro Devices, Inc." "c:\program files\amd\cnext\cnext\rsservcmd.exe" "11/13/2020 12:46 PM" ""
"HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Services" "" "" "" "12/27/2020 12:51 PM" ""
+ "AMD External Events Utility" "AMD External Events Utility: AMD External Events Service Module" "(Verified) Advanced Micro Devices, Inc." "c:\windows\system32\driverstore\filerepository\c0361132.inf_amd64_1f7832db1fb1721f\b361196\atiesrxx.exe" "11/13/2020 12:48 PM" ""
+ "ArcService" "Arc Service:  Launch Arc game platform" "(Verified) Perfect World Entertainment" "c:\program files (x86)\arc\arcservice.exe" "5/26/2020 7:04 PM" ""
+ "AUEPLauncher" "AMD User Experience Program Launcher: AMD User Experience Program Launcher" "(Verified) Advanced Micro Devices, Inc." "c:\program files\amd\performance profile client\aueplauncher.exe" "11/13/2020 12:48 PM" ""
+ "BEService" "BattlEye Service: " "(Verified) BattlEye Innovations e.K." "c:\program files (x86)\common files\battleye\beservice.exe" "1/24/2019 10:20 PM" ""
+ "brave" "Brave Update Service (brave): Keeps your Brave software up to date. If this service is disabled or stopped, your Brave software will not be kept up to date, meaning security vulnerabilities that may arise cannot be fixed and features may not work. This service uninstalls itself when there is no Brave software using it." "(Verified) Brave Software, Inc." "c:\program files (x86)\bravesoftware\update\braveupdate.exe" "9/11/2020 3:35 PM" ""
+ "bravem" "Brave Update Service (bravem): Keeps your Brave software up to date. If this service is disabled or stopped, your Brave software will not be kept up to date, meaning security vulnerabilities that may arise cannot be fixed and features may not work. This service uninstalls itself when there is no Brave software using it." "(Verified) Brave Software, Inc." "c:\program files (x86)\bravesoftware\update\braveupdate.exe" "9/11/2020 3:35 PM" ""
+ "EasyAntiCheat" "EasyAntiCheat: Provides integrated security and services for online multiplayer games." "" "File not found: C:\Program Files (x86)\EasyAntiCheat\EasyAntiCheat.exe" "" ""
+ "GoogleChromeElevationService" "Google Chrome Elevation Service: Google Chrome" "(Verified) Google LLC" "c:\program files (x86)\google\chrome\application\87.0.4280.88\elevation_service.exe" "12/1/2020 5:28 PM" ""
+ "gupdate" "Google Update Service (gupdate): Keeps your Google software up to date. If this service is disabled or stopped, your Google software will not be kept up to date, meaning security vulnerabilities that may arise cannot be fixed and features may not work. This service uninstalls itself when there is no Google software using it." "(Verified) Google Inc" "c:\program files (x86)\google\update\googleupdate.exe" "7/13/2017 7:07 PM" ""
+ "gupdatem" "Google Update Service (gupdatem): Keeps your Google software up to date. If this service is disabled or stopped, your Google software will not be kept up to date, meaning security vulnerabilities that may arise cannot be fixed and features may not work. This service uninstalls itself when there is no Google software using it." "(Verified) Google Inc" "c:\program files (x86)\google\update\googleupdate.exe" "7/13/2017 7:07 PM" ""
+ "hmpalertsvc" "HitmanPro.Alert service: Exploit mitigation and web browser intrusion detection, real-time and behavior-based." "(Verified) SurfRight B.V." "c:\program files (x86)\hitmanpro.alert\hmpalert.exe" "12/5/2020 2:58 AM" ""
+ "ibtsiva" "Intel Bluetooth Service: Intel® Wireless Bluetooth® iBtSiva Service" "(Verified) Intel® Wireless Connectivity Solutions" "c:\windows\system32\ibtsiva.exe" "11/5/2018 1:50 AM" ""
+ "MyWiFiDHCPDNS" "Wireless PAN DHCP Server: Wireless PAN DHCP and DNS Server" "(Verified) Intel Corporation-Wireless Connectivity Solutions" "c:\program files\intel\wifi\bin\pandhcpdns.exe" "12/27/2016 3:59 AM" ""
+ "Razer Chroma SDK Server" "Razer Chroma SDK Server: Razer Chroma SDK web interface" "(Verified) Razer USA Ltd." "c:\program files (x86)\razer chroma sdk\bin\rzsdkserver.exe" "7/25/2018 1:20 AM" ""
+ "Razer Chroma SDK Service" "Razer Chroma SDK Service: Provides access to Razer hardware for applications using Razer SDK" "(Verified) Razer USA Ltd." "c:\program files (x86)\razer chroma sdk\bin\rzsdkservice.exe" "9/10/2018 9:22 PM" ""
+ "Razer Game Manager Service" "Razer Game Manager: This service allows for Razer software applications and services to manage the games installed on the system." "(Verified) Razer USA Ltd." "c:\program files (x86)\razer\razer services\gms\gamemanagerservice.exe" "12/1/2020 1:10 AM" ""
+ "Razer Synapse Service" "Razer Synapse Service: Razer Synapse Service" "(Verified) Razer USA Ltd." "c:\program files (x86)\razer\synapse3\service\razer synapse service.exe" "12/10/2020 4:19 AM" ""
+ "RegSrvc" "Intel® PROSet/Wireless Registry Service: Provides registry access to all Intel® PROSet/Wireless Software components" "(Verified) Intel Corporation" "c:\program files\common files\intel\wirelesscommon\regsrvc.exe" "5/14/2019 5:36 AM" ""
+ "RzActionSvc" "Razer Central Service: Razer Central Service" "(Verified) Razer USA Ltd." "c:\program files (x86)\razer\razer services\razer central\razercentralservice.exe" "12/8/2020 7:33 PM" ""
+ "Steam Client Service" "Steam Client Service: Steam Client Service monitors and updates Steam content" "(Verified) Valve" "c:\program files (x86)\common files\steam\steamservice.exe" "12/20/2020 4:09 PM" ""
+ "SteelSeriesUpdateService" "SteelSeries Update Service: Handles update and setup operations for SteelSeries software" "(Verified) SteelSeries ApS" "c:\program files\steelseries\steelseries engine 3\steelseriesupdateservice.exe" "12/21/2020 12:50 PM" ""
+ "ZeroConfigService" "Intel® PROSet/Wireless Zero Configuration Service: Manages the zero configuration service for all the Intel® PROSet/Wireless Software components." "(Verified) Intel Corporation" "c:\program files\intel\wifi\bin\zeroconfigservice.exe" "5/14/2019 5:44 AM" ""
"HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Services" "" "" "" "12/27/2020 12:51 PM" ""
+ "amdgpio2" "AMD GPIO Client Driver: AMD GPIO Controller Driver" "(Verified) Advanced Micro Devices INC." "c:\windows\system32\drivers\amdgpio2.sys" "9/29/2019 8:56 PM" ""
+ "amdkmafd" "AMD Audio Bus Lower Filter: AMD Audio Bus Lower Filter" "(Verified) Advanced Micro Devices, Inc." "c:\windows\system32\drivers\amdkmafd.sys" "5/19/2015 4:26 PM" ""
+ "amdkmcsp" "AMD Kernel Mode CSP Service: amdkmcsp sys" "(Verified) Advanced Micro Devices Inc." "c:\windows\system32\drivers\amdkmcsp.sys" "6/5/2017 2:27 PM" ""
+ "amdkmdag" "amdkmdag: ATI Radeon Kernel Mode Driver" "(Verified) Advanced Micro Devices, Inc." "c:\windows\system32\driverstore\filerepository\c0361132.inf_amd64_1f7832db1fb1721f\b361196\amdkmdag.sys" "11/13/2020 1:08 PM" ""
+ "amdkmpfd" "AMD PCI Root Bus Lower Filter: AMD PCI Root Bus Lower Filter" "(Verified) Advanced Micro Devices, Inc." "c:\windows\system32\drivers\amdkmpfd.sys" "11/6/2020 1:02 PM" ""
+ "AMDPCIDev" "AMD PCI: AMD PCI Device driver" "(Verified) Advanced Micro Devices Inc." "c:\windows\system32\drivers\amdpcidev.sys" "4/11/2018 11:14 PM" ""
+ "amdpsp" "AMD PSP Service: amdpsp sys" "(Verified) Advanced Micro Devices, Inc." "c:\windows\system32\drivers\amdpsp.sys" "9/10/2018 2:42 PM" ""
+ "AMDRyzenMasterDriver" "AMDRyzenMasterDriver: AMD Ryzen Master Service Driver" "(Verified) Advanced Micro Devices, Inc." "c:\program files\amd\performance profile client\ryzenmaster\amdryzenmasterdriver.sys" "11/13/2017 10:58 PM" ""
+ "AMDXE" "AMD Link Controller Emulation: AMD Link Controller Emulation" "(Verified) Advanced Micro Devices, Inc." "c:\windows\system32\drivers\amdxe.sys" "7/23/2020 3:18 PM" ""
+ "asmthub3" "ASMedia USB3.1 Hub Service: ASMedia USB3 Hub Driver" "(Verified) ASMedia Technology Inc." "c:\windows\system32\drivers\asmthub3.sys" "7/10/2016 11:44 PM" ""
+ "asmtxhci" "ASMedia XHCI Service: ASMedia xHCI Host Controller Driver" "(Verified) ASMedia Technology Inc." "c:\windows\system32\drivers\asmtxhci.sys" "7/10/2016 11:44 PM" ""
+ "BthA2dp" "Microsoft Bluetooth A2dp driver: Bluetooth A2DP Driver" "(Not verified) Microsoft Corporation" "c:\windows\system32\drivers\btha2dp.sys" "11/16/2033 3:59 PM" ""
+ "hmpalert" "HitmanPro.Alert Support Driver: HitmanPro.Alert Support Driver" "(Verified) SurfRight B.V." "c:\windows\system32\drivers\hmpalert.sys" "12/4/2020 10:02 AM" ""
+ "iaLPSSi_GPIO" "Intel® Serial IO GPIO Controller Driver: Intel® Serial IO GPIO Controller Driver" "(Verified) Intel Corporation - Client Components Group" "c:\windows\system32\drivers\ialpssi_gpio.sys" "2/2/2015 2:00 AM" ""
+ "IaNVMe" "IaNVMe: NVMe Storport Miniport Driver - x64" "(Verified) Intel® NVMe Windows Driver" "c:\windows\system32\drivers\ianvme.sys" "10/25/2016 1:16 AM" ""
+ "ibtusb" "Intel® Wireless Bluetooth®: Intel® Wireless Bluetooth® Filter Driver" "(Verified) Intel® Wireless Connectivity Solutions" "c:\windows\system32\drivers\ibtusb.sys" "11/5/2018 1:50 AM" ""
+ "Netwtw04" "Intel® Wireless Adapter Driver for Windows 10 - 64 Bit: Intel® Wireless WiFi Link Driver" "(Verified) Intel® Wireless Connectivity Solutions" "c:\windows\system32\drivers\netwtw04.sys" "5/12/2019 12:33 PM" ""
+ "ocznvme" "ocznvme: Toshiba NVMe Driver" "(Verified) Toshiba America Electronic Components, Inc." "c:\windows\system32\drivers\ocznvme.sys" "5/13/2016 7:25 AM" ""
+ "ocztrimfilter" "SSD Device Filter: Toshiba SSD controller TRIM filter driver" "(Verified) Toshiba America Electronic Components, Inc." "c:\windows\system32\drivers\ocztrimfilter.sys" "5/13/2016 7:19 AM" ""
+ "rt640x64" "Realtek RT640 NT Driver: Realtek 8101E/8168/8169 NDIS 6.40 64-bit Driver                " "(Verified) Realtek Semiconductor Corp." "c:\windows\system32\drivers\rt640x64.sys" "7/14/2016 2:04 AM" ""
+ "RzCommon" "Razer Control Service: Razer Common Driver" "(Verified) Razer USA Ltd." "c:\windows\system32\drivers\rzcommon.sys" "11/15/2020 6:55 PM" ""
+ "RzDev_0067" "Razer 0067 Service: Razer Device Driver" "(Verified) Razer USA Ltd." "c:\windows\system32\drivers\rzdev_0067.sys" "8/17/2020 8:56 PM" ""
+ "secnvme" "secnvme: Samsung NVM Express Storport Miniport Driver" "(Verified) Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd." "c:\windows\system32\drivers\secnvme.sys" "12/8/2016 12:32 AM" ""
+ "ssdevfactory" "SteelSeries Device Factory Service: SteelSeries Device Factory Driver" "(Verified) SteelSeries ApS" "c:\windows\system32\drivers\ssdevfactory.sys" "9/15/2020 3:02 PM" ""
+ "usbrndis6" "USB RNDIS6 Adapter: Remote NDIS USB Driver" "(Not verified) Microsoft Corporation" "c:\windows\system32\drivers\usb80236.sys" "3/22/1916 12:09 AM" ""
+ "xhunter1" "xhunter1: XIGNCODE3 System Guard" "(Verified) Wellbia.com Co., Ltd." "c:\windows\xhunter1.sys" "11/7/2017 1:54 AM" ""
+ "ZAM_Guard" "ZAM Guard Driver: ZAM" "(Verified) Zemana Ltd." "c:\windows\system32\drivers\zamguard64.sys" "8/17/2016 10:06 AM" ""
"HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Font Drivers" "" "" "" "12/7/2019 2:17 AM" ""
+ "Adobe Type Manager" "" "" "File not found: atmfd.dll" "" ""
"HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\KnownDlls" "" "" "" "12/7/2019 2:15 AM" ""
+ "_wow64cpu" "" "" "c:\windows\syswow64\wow64cpu.dll" "" ""
+ "_wowarmhw" "" "" "c:\windows\system32\wowarmhw.dll" "" ""
+ "_wowarmhw" "" "" "c:\windows\syswow64\wowarmhw.dll" "" ""
+ "_xtajit" "" "" "c:\windows\system32\xtajit.dll" "" ""
+ "_xtajit" "" "" "c:\windows\syswow64\xtajit.dll" "" ""
+ "wow64" "" "" "c:\windows\syswow64\wow64.dll" "" ""
+ "wow64win" "" "" "c:\windows\syswow64\wow64win.dll" "" ""

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    Mechanised Mod

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No sign of BD in the Autoruns log but we can`t check Speccy as the link doesn`t work I`m afraid, no rush getting it to us as I am calling it a day now.

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    Mechanised Mod

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Still there  :(


Please see the below that Peter kindly sent me via a PM;


When he downloaded Bitfender again and was asked "reinstalled it to replace a newer win32driver but I said no cause I didn't know what to do".


He should have said yes. The point he is at now looks like the original Free Bitdefender is still running. If you have no luck with Autoruns then I suggest.

1) You see if he can do a restore to before he tried to delete the original Free Bitdefender and remove it as per my original instructions. OR

2) You see if he still has the Original Free Bitdefender in his downloads and reinstalls then remove it as per my original instructions.OR

3) Good old method of find the files in Program Files or Program Files(x86) Yank all folders then into the registry and yank all Bitdefender files. (crappy way I know).

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Seems like it's time to get a little sweaty. Can you teach me how to delete the files out of the registry? I'll look in my program files and annihilate what I can find for now.

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