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Nothing works - Help! (RESOLVED)

Best Answer heartgrave , 11 January 2021 - 10:57 PM

Thank you for the help. Sorry to say, we already replaced the case and all is fine now. Still using the psu from storage. Go to the full post »

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Hello again!


I left the room, came back and PC was off. I thought it was the power supply, so I swapped it, no good. I had my old motherboard, cpu, ram, swapped all thinking it was the mother board, still no go. Tried unplugging the extra storage devices(an additional ssd and hdd, each), shorting out the power switch posts, new power cord, no post beeps, tried flipping the power switch cable from case to header on the header because maybe I had the positive and negative posts wrong, nothing. All fans power up and power off, power up, power off continuously. Any suggestions? Bad case maybe? Everything I swapped was in working order previously and just put in storage as spare. I checked and rechecked PSU cables were in the right spots and nothing was missing plugs.

Edited by heartgrave, 07 January 2021 - 07:56 PM.

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Try bench testing the original parts.  Remember to take anti static measures.

With the MB on top of the MB box, No ram installed.   connect a system beeper.

Make sure the CPU fan is connected.

Connect the 2 PSU power cables, switch on,

briefly short out the power on pins.  CPU fan should spin, you should hear short beeps indicating no RAM.SWITCH OFF between every step..


Add 2 sticks of RAM to the correct slots, test, beep code should have changed.


Add a monitor, test, should display , no device or OS.


Add the OS drive, test. 

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Well, if it helps, I set up everything as it would be in the case but on the motherboard box outside of the case, and then shorted the posts and everything works now. Must be a bad case....? The case and everything related to it was completely removed from the equation. Basically a bare bones set up but everything from inside the computer was/is connected as if it was in the case, and now sitting on the motherboard box.



EDIT: Also, this with the current equipment, not the old equipment I took out of storage. I am using the PSU I took out of storage, and left the current one out, as I was already working with the old one from storage. Same watts.

Edited by heartgrave, 07 January 2021 - 09:16 PM.

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"I am using the PSU I took out of storage,"

You need to hook up the PSU that was being used when the computer went dead, it may be faulty and the case may be OK.

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Neither worked though. Nothing worked until I took it out of the case and did my version of the barebones I said above. The first thing I did was try the old psu from storage, in the case, complete swap, screwed in, everything and nothing worked in the case. They're both corsair 650W just the newer one is modular.


EDIT: I tested the newer, modular PSU and got nothing. Keep in mind, neither PSU resolved the issue while in the case, only after I removed the case from the equation, did the old PSU from storage, work. Newer did not work with or without the case.

Edited by heartgrave, 08 January 2021 - 09:00 PM.

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On a bench test with only the CPU installed with fan connect, If the modular PSU fails to give you a beep code and does not spin the fan, check that the plugs/cables are not damaged, test again making sure proper connection. if fail, RMA the unit.


As the old PSU works.

Inspect MB mounting screws, correct amount in the right place. Inspect the I/O shield for damage.   Inspect the case wiring, including from fans.

Start a rebuild using the same method as a bench build, testing CPU/fan first than add components testing each time.

Connect the MB headers to case, one at a time and test, USB, sound, BUT NOT power/reset/etc.  then the case fans one at a time, test.   LAST, power/reset'etc

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✓  Best Answer

Thank you for the help. Sorry to say, we already replaced the case and all is fine now. Still using the psu from storage.

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Thats good news.   If possible RMA the PSU.

I will mark the topic resolved. -

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