Hi, I followed the instructions and the file appeared on the desktop. As previously, the message that the computer needs to restart appeared and so I rebooted; or at least I tried to. The same problem occurred as with the AVG fix, i.e. the drive became unbootable. So now I am on the clone which I made before the attempt.
I am now wondering if it would be easier to leave it as it is for now as the OS works fine apart from those redundant files. I might even consider reinstalling Windows on a spare sata drive to transfer to SSD later. (Do you think it would be feasible to do this in parts? In other words, returning to the new install several times until it is up to date, or can you foresee problems with that procedure?).
I am suspicious that the initial transference of the OS drive to the replaced mainboard and processor, even though they were supposed to be the same, may be at the heart of the matter. Of course, I am just guessing.
Another alternative I have is to try another older clone from last year which I have on an SSD but I suspect it may have the same inherent problem.
Do you think it is worth carrying on? I will be re-cloning this drive again shortly.