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How to remove MicroSoft bloat from new laptop

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I just purchased a new Lenovo X1 Carbon with Windows 10 Pro / i7 / 16gb ram / 1 tb ssd 


I generally do not like Microsoft at all.

I have never registered with the MStore, and I am sick of the very frequent requests to enable Edge, One Drive, and other crap.

Is there a way to delete all of this MS crap ?

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A few suggestions, but read through them first and create restore pooint as you go.




Do not be tempted by CCleaner, causes heaps of problems.  I use Revo Uninstaller Free, which has lots of tools, including a startup manager, When uninstalling, I recommend you only use the Moderate Mode.


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"I generally do not like Microsoft at all."

​You could always install Linux Ubuntu is a good starting - Similar to windows. 

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