Hello all,
If this is not the most appropriate forum for the post, please advise where to go.
My wife has a Dell Latitude 11 with Win 10. It presents numerous problems, inconsistently, which is the worst situation.
For example, the external screen goes dark at random. Most often, it comes back after some time. Yesterday, it stayed black, she did hard shut down. Upon startup, the monitor connected, but the sound disappeared.
In this regard, she was not able to participate in a Zoom session twice at least. The error message read: "Your microphone and speaker is not working. Please check you connection or use a different one. " Everything was fine after a reboot.
Earlier yesterday, a mouse stopped working.
At other times, clicking on an application or a file leads to nothing.
Occasionally, a file or a program cannot be closed by clicking on X in the upper right corner.
All these problems happen at random, which can easily drive one crazy.
Can some kind of diagnostic be run?
Any help or advice is appreciated.