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Galaxy Tab S6 Lite Connection Problems

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Hello there,


I have a GalaxyTab S6 Lite tablet which was given to me as a gift for my birthday in July. It is wifi only and I use it solely to play a couple of games, as playing games on my phone was causing me eye strain.


This morning we experienced problems connecting to the internet over all our devices for a few hours. I tested the connection via the IP's website but it did not find a problem. I restarted the router a few time, but that didn't help. Eventually though, the problem righted itself....... that is, on everything except the Galaxy tablet, which still refuses to connect.


I have tried restarting it several times. I also tried re-entering the password - only to find that it told me that the password is incorrect. How can this be though, as it is the same password used for our other devices? I have checked and double-checked the details...... but have no idea what else I can do.


Does anyone have any ideas, please?




The problem just resolved itself in the end - although for some reason I still can't get the wifi booster which is in another room working.

Edited by Channeal, 30 October 2021 - 06:49 AM.

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