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Creating video playlist on iPhone without iTunes

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Greetings everyone,


I'm in desperate need of help on this topic, I tried many ways but still couldn't figure it out. I downloaded videos on iphone and it is stored in the Files App, I opened Files and play music videos there. However, it can not play continuously and go to the next video. When I play it, after it's done it stop. I usually listen to music videos while I'm driving, and it is dangerous and a distraction to have to go to another song after the previous one is done. How can I make a playlist or is there a video player that can play all my downloaded videos? I tried installing a few video player app but still couldn't figure out how to make a video playlist from my downloaded files. Please help!

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Have you tried VLC?




Don't have an iPhone to test it on but the Windows version does playlists.

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