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Antivirus and Antispyware Software

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Hi - I noticed the pinned post for this topic hasn't been updated in several years and was hoping to get fresh recommendations on antivirus / antispyware combinations to pursue.


I have Windows 10 x64 bit with only 8GB of RAM. Currently have Windows Defender and Malwarebytes (free version). 


Any thoughts on what applications I should install / paid subscriptions to purchase are appreciated. I want to make sure the pc is protected, but don't want to slow it down any more than necessary.


Thank you in advance!



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    The Grecian Geek

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This is a very good question, drpepper23.


Actually, with the built-in Windows 10 antivirus, Windows Defender, along with Malwarebytes, free or Premium, you are safe enough, if you follow, of course, the safe computing rules. 


Defender runs in real time and has many security features. Malwarebytes free, doesn't protects you in real time, so you have to run it occasionally, depending on how often you use your computer. Both, they work well together.


Installing a 3rd party antivirus is your choice of course, but this is something I don't personally recommend, for many reasons.

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Gary R

Gary R

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As Dr M says, adding extra 3rd party security will not generally keep you any more secure than you are now.


The best way to be secure, is to educate yourself about the possible online dangers you may come into contact with, and then modify your browsing habits accordingly.


The person using the computer is pretty much always the weakest link in its defenses, and is certainly the one most targeted by atackers, so learn and stay safe.

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