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Surface Pro 7+ No Bootable Operating System Found

Microsoft Surface Pro 7 Windows 11 Bootable OS SurfaceBootError

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I have a brand new Surface Pro 7 Plus tablet. Had a slight issue setting it up as managed to get Bitlocker installed but didn't want this. Was eventually able to get in and disable it - this may or may not be relevant!


Now it runs fine if I turn it on from being completely switched off.


However, if I try and restart it, it goes to a Boot Error screen:


Couldn't find a bootable operating system. Check the Boot configuration to try to fix this.

For more info, visit https://aka.ms/SurfaceBootError.


Clicking ok takes me into the Surface UEFI screen. I click on Boot Configuration and can see there are 2 Windows Boot Managers. I delete the top one (assuming that is my problem one) and then exit and restart - it then work fine and loads up Windows.


If I shut it down and turn it back on it works fine.

As soon as I try and do a restart, it does back to the Boot Error again.


I have also tried a full Windows reset but this hasn't helped.


The tablet is brand new.


Would be grateful for any suggestions!



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  • 20221015_103640.jpg
  • 20221015_103657.jpg

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If it's brand new you should consider taking it back to where you purchased it.

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If it's brand new you should consider taking it back to where you purchased it.

Fair point, but would be a bit of a hassle and doesn’t sound like a tablet fault as such, maybe more of a BIOS issue which I would be surprised if it couldn’t be sorted!
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