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Hi    I have been having trouble with yahoo composing screen especially the "TO FIELD". usually if I put the first initial of a contact in to the "TO FIELD" it will auto suggestion a list of contacts that start with that Initial, and i can choose one and it save me from typing in the whole address. but it periodically has been not working one day it works then it stops working and even states my contact list is Empty when its not, it finally came back on today and is working temporarily. what I want to do is, some how copy and paste all my contacts into "my documents".  How can I bring up all the contacts to copy them and paste them in there? Thank You 

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I also use yahoo. I don't think there is a way to copy contacts to documents, I was able to print mine out. You could export the contacts but that can be a pain too because yahoo saves contactS to a file called csv.


Here's a like with information that might help you.



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Thanks I saw that website, but it does not address the real problem. but anyway I just got back my yahoo composing sreen and it is working again, all my contacts are still there, but i heard it was the windows updates that cause this, so I stopped them from coming up. I will see if it is working for the next couple of days.  Thanks again

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