I have a HP Compaq model 6735b that will not boot. It has Windows 10 Pro 64-bit installed. Before this problem occurred, it would not boot up and run unless plugged in, so I know my battery needs to be replaced, however, with the laptop power plugged in it worked fine. I turned it off one day and when I turned the laptop back on after about 3 or 4 days it would not boot.
When I plug the power cord into the laptop it immediately seems to power up without the power button being pressed. I can hear the fan running plus the power button, a light that looks like an i inside a circle, the wireless light, speaker light with mute symbol beside and the volume control slider light are burning. Also, the lights for the caps and number locks will flash for a few seconds and then go off.
It does not even try to boot up nor does it give an error message of kind; it acts like it is stuck in sleep mode or something. The screen itself is black.
If I hold the power button down for a few seconds to turn it off it immediately goes back into that mode as soon as I release the power button. The only way to actually get it to turn off is to disconnect the power cord.
The logo screen does not come up, so I am not able to go into the bios settings to check them. Because it comes up in this manner so quickly without trying to boot up, I cannot go into recovery or anything.
Also, even though the wireless, speaker mute and volume control slider lights are burning they aren't working.
I connected an external monitor to the laptop but with the same results.
Any help you can give me will be greatly appreciated.