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rootkit EFI boot64.efi

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Hello,my computer has been crashing for a while,blue screens with various error codes.I ran an antivirus and detected two rootkits in two files,boot related.They're in the EFI,i dont really know what it is or what it does but i need to solve this sht.If anyone can help me please try,idk what to do.

Waiting for an answer :)

update 1:I made some researches about rootkits but dont want to start something that could cause data losses or anything bad,i just found that a rootkit on something related to booting the computer is bad.I need help please.

Edited by bambidbl, 01 April 2024 - 02:25 PM.

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    Mechanised Mod

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We understand that computer issues can be stressful but please do not start more than one thread looking for help with the same issue, this not only wastes helpers time but can also lead to confusion as to who`s and what guidance you are following which in turn can lead to mishaps and potentially irreparable damage to your computer.


This thread will be closed until your thread over on the malware forums has been resolved, you obviously did not read the relevant information before posting there so suggest that you do so now Attention! Read Malware and Spyware Cleaning Guide before posting.


Be sure to only post the logs in the malware thread that you already started.

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