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Certifiably Blonde

Certifiably Blonde


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Hi All,

Well its been a long time since I've been here asking for your help.  This is probably the most in need I have ever been and would sincerely appreciate ANY help, suggesitons you can offer. Recently due to a retinal disease I have lost alot of my vision being declared legally blind.  I have got some great apps on my pjhone that can read things to me and are fast, easy and user friendly.  I'm not sure just what i can get for my laptop.   


I am running Windows 10, Google Chrome.  I've made some adjustments to the point where im not losing most of my screen.  When i need to read something, i can open Word and copy and paste t to word and do the read aloud. I've added the reader extension to Chrome and have played with a few of the ease of access settings.  I was wonderfing if any of you know of any other programs or settings?  

Edited by Certifiably Blonde, 11 April 2024 - 05:03 AM.

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