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Malicious text message info only (USPS)

USPS Malicious text phishing

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I received a text message today copied below.


From a phone number with an Indonesian exchange of +62


It's supposedly from the USPS (United States Postal Service) ((with an Indonesian exchange))


U‏S‏‏‏‏PS Noti‏fication: Your par‏cel is temporar‏ily on hold at our facil‏ity due to insuffic‏ient ad‏dr‏ess infor‏mation. Please provide a valid de‏‏livery‏ addre‏ss to avoid returning the packa‏ge.


Wishing you an exceptional day from the US‏‏‏P‏S tea‏m.


Congratulations! Your analysis is done and available at: https://www.hybrid-a...vironmentId=160




--- Falcon Sandbox Analysis Overview ---








--- Falcon Sandbox Analysis Summary ---




Analysis State: SUCCESS


Threat Verdict: malicious


Threat Score: 82/100


AV Detection Ratio: n/a


AV Family Name: n/a


Time of analysis: 2024-06-26 16:58:38


Contacted Domains: a.nel.cloudflare.com, cutt.ly, usom.mzlrpdma.top Contacted Hosts:,,,,


Environment: Windows 10 64 bit (ID: 160)

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I've posted this on about 7 sites I'm a member of. 


The goal: 

I hope the info will reach at least one person and keeps them from getting phished. That's it.

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