In all seriousness, Ive recently built two computers and as frustrating as it is, I can't seem to pull away from it and I'm drawn to the challenge. Well I would like to take my skills and make an honest days pay at it. Where I can have a desk or maybe and office with my own extension. Something that I can make a career out of. I know many people here already have something to the nature or are in the process of getting something to that nature. As for me, Im clueless as to what companies hire for computer builders, or computer repairs, or even computer service. This is both my gift and my curse and I shall use it to my advantage. So if anyone out there has information on jobs, or places I can go to look at the type of jobs, I would be extremely greatful. Again any information is welcome, so please share the knowledge.
PS If there are any books any would recommend to increase my computer knowledge Im all ears as well....