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We somehow have so many apps for Media that now I'm confused and overwhelmed. For those of you who are into this sort of thing, can you advise which of theses are the best at what they do, and what maybe I can get rid of?
Everytime we use one or the other it will ask to be named the Default.

We have:

RealPlayer, QuickTime, Sonic RecordNow, iTunes, and our computer came preinstalled with Windows Media Bonus Pack for Windows XP that includes Windows Media Player.

Thanks for your comments and suggestions!
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Personaly, I use only divx, winamp and quicktime, but i really only need winamp, It plays most media types, but doesnt play in the internet browser. That is the only downside, it also have internet tv, and has a large skin database.

If you don't buy song from itunes or use it for podcasts, i wouldn't keep it. Realplayer i don't like at all, and don't know what sonic RecordNow is.

Hope that helped.
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Thanks for the reply, why don't you like RealPlayer? Since you said winamp doesn't play in the internet browser, what do you use in that situation? Thanks again!
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1: When the Application asks if you want to set it to be the default player there should be an option to have it never ask you this again, simply check that and you wont have to deal with that again.

2: Peronally for all my local music files i prefer winamp as its playlist seems to be much simpler to use (ie: add/remove dir, single files etc). When Real Player first came out i thought it was great, but over the years they have made so many drastic changes to the user interface, as well as added those annoying popup msgs (ok well they arent THAT bad but I still hate when it pops up the window giving me some totally useless message) As well I have found a lot of Real Player links that just simply dont work with certain versions of the player and that turned me off to it.

3: Generally if i'm playing clips from the web and there is the option if Windows Media player or Real Player I chose Windows Media Player simply because (for me) it seems to be more reliable, although a touch less quality. I think the main reason is the design changes in the Real Players Interface just put me off from it.

I do also have Quicktime installed but I rarely ever use it unless its the only player capable of supporting the media, simply because the other players (winamp/Windows Media Player) are easier to use.(better interface) Thats my 2 cents anyway.
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    The Leather Lady

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WinAmp is the only way to go for music...and Shoutcast has some of the best internet radio available.

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I use iTunes only out of necessity (I have an iPod) and although I have multiple programs for video (divx/wmp/real/quicktime) I prefer using quicktime.

But yeah, it's getting a little outrageous with all the proprietary filetypes.
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