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I'm having trouble downloading MSN 9. I spent over 3 hours on the phone with MSN and we cleaned up temporary files and completely uninstalled MSN and cleaned up registries, etc. I finally had to give up with them because it was almost 1 AM and I had to be up for work in a few hours.

I use XP Home Edition. I was having trouble signing in to MSN, which is what prompted the call. After the first hour and a half, it was realized that I was running MSN 7 and needed MSN 9. Ok, so the download starts and messenger installs perfectly.

When it came time for downloading Explorer and Photo E-mail is where the problem comes in. It won't download Explorer because it hasn't downloaded Photo E-mail. When I click where I'm told to in order to find out why Photo E-mail didn't download, I get a message that says that the authenticity of the program can't be verified.

The last thing that they mentioned to me before I finally had to give up was for me to uninstall my AVG anti-virus because, perhaps, it was doing it's job too well and was causing the problem. After I hung with them, I tried that, and I still got the same failure of installation.

They are sending me the MSN 9 disk and I'm told I won't have any problem if I install it from the disk, but to be honest, I really don't want to have to wait 5 to 10 days for the disk to show up.

Thank you for all of your help. And, yes, I did mention to the techs that I spoke with (all three of them), that I thought it was rather silly for MSN Explorer to not be able to download until messenger and Photo Email download. They agreed.

Thanks again.

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