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Just wanted everyone to say hello

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Hello all,

How are things going in life?

How are the kids?

How is the car running?

How do you like your oatmeal?

How much do you play video games?

Just a few general questions to get the juices flowing.

Peace out,


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Hi Snickets,

To answer your questions in the order they were asked:

1. Good at the moment, nice and sunny over here :(

2. Non-existent

3. Bit sick at the moment ;) - Booked into the garage tommorow!

4. Oatmeal!?! :) is that like porridge?? if so - runny to medium :tazz:

5. Not to much recently - been spending more of my spare time on G2G :(

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1. Can't complain.

2. Those aren't mine. I swear officer. No idea where they came from.

3. Partly on electricity. Best buy I ever did.

4. No thanks.

5. Video games? Are they made out of chocolate?
Do security forums count?
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Hey Gentlmen and Ladies,

Glad to see the participation.

I am doing good, my 4 month old just had her shots yesterday and that is the only test that I am going through right now.

I have a great V8 guzzler of gas that is to much to handle.

I love oatmeal, and yes it is kind of like pooridge just a bit thicker.

I love to play Counterstrike and WorldofWarcraft.



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A somewhat boiled brain in a baked body means this life in Geneva is race between ones last and next icecreams and yes cars with super air conditioning are the best way to catch a cold these days and then there are some of us who mix for the their children oats, other cerials, fruits, milk and yogout(setting it over night) but their father, a cross between a teletubby and an oven ready chicken, tries to be all British with marmalaid, toast and tea(PG tips), anyway it's good to be alive though that tends to be rather more hectic than the quiet cool alternative. btw, I know this isn't really the secret of enernal youth per se but if you want to make porrage quickly use the microwave but keep an eye on it as it tends to rise over the edge. Oh, and now I must leave you with something a Frenchman said when first given porrage: "ah, very good, now does one eat it, or has it been eaten?" with that I go back to my Shogun totalwar game.

Edited by fleamailman, 04 August 2005 - 11:12 AM.

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1.things are going well thnx, new job, great freinds, recently done my room and it looks frikin great!!!!!!......gone for the kinda naturalistic look with lots browns and warm colours also gained a fasination for african carved ornaments, so i have a large collection of them now........must admit its a bit of a shock when i wake up and a huge african mask staring at me :tazz: ..i really must find a better place to put it

2.not born yet.......and there goin to have to wait a while i dont have a girlfreind or any intention of settling down yet.....still to many challenges to face hoping to go for the london marathon next year ;)

3.dont have a car as i dont have a drivers liscence (still taking lessons)...still that deosnt seem to deter the joy riders around my area :( (get a life)...the joy riders not u

4.in the bin......cant stand the stuff :(

5.sinse d-day(the day my x-box stopped working) i have had to resort to playin my game cube which is getting very tedious as the games tend to be boring.....even the good ones.........waiting for x-box 360 :woot: :wub: :hug:

peace back to u fellow geek and what would your answers be to these questions :)
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sorry uv already replied with your answers my bad :tazz:
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To reply in order:

How are things going in life?
Not bad!

How are the kids?

How is the car running?
Dont own one!

How do you like your oatmeal?
Is that another name for cereal, if so dont eat any!

How much do you play video games?
Heaps Mate! Heaps!

Regards RockyIV!
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Interesting selection of questions.

How are things going in life?

Been a whole lot better, but could be worse.

How are the kids?

Well my 15 yr old girl has been at cadet camp for a month now and is due home on the 20th of august. I'll be happy to see her ;)

How is the car running?

I actually own a suv runs good but have been having a little lagging form the transmission, so i will take it in and have the filters and fluids changed, hopefully that's all it will be.

How do you like your oatmeal?

I don't like oatmeal so i have no answer for that. Come to think of it i never eat breakfast.

Vidoe games, not so much I was waiting for the release of battlefield 2 to come out went and picked a copy up for 60.00 plus tax. When I got it home i realized my machine could'nt run it :tazz: my bad i should have read the specs closer. $400.00 in upgrades to play it no way!!!! ended up giving it to a buddy. :)
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Uncle John

Uncle John

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[FONT=Times][SIZE=7][COLOR=gray] Hello Snikets: Thought I'd get my feet wet with first time entry.
1. How are things going in life? Great, but winding down! Age 80+.
2. How are kids? Must be healthy-still asking (hinting) for money.
3. How is car running? Like new (1k+ milaage).
4. How do you like oatmeal Hot with brown sugar-Thanks.
5. Video Games??? Reno & Vegas much better.
I always need something to keep my juices flowing. :tazz:
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