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Dell Computer

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I ordered a new Dell Computer, XP. It came within a week but kept crashing. After spending hours and hours on the telephone with Dell, they ordered a technician to come out. He decided I needed an entire new computer. When it finally arrived, months later, it was refurbished. Dell says that if you get a new computer replaced after 21 days, it comes refurbished. Even tho I had spent hours with their tech support trying to remedy the problem and could not, etc. Now I paid over $2,000 for a new computer and have a refurbished one, which I cannot shut down as it reboots itself whenever I try.
What am I to do? Is there some place I can complain to, I just do not have the time to spend on the telephone with Dell?

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    Founder Geek

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Your best bet is to call Dell, and just immediately ask to speak to a supervisor (CS reps don't have the authority to do anything). Explain your situation, and insist on a new system. My experience has been they will usually do the right thing.

P.S. It is a common practice in the industry to replace defective parts with refurbished after about 30 days.
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Wow, what a horror story. I cant believe you had this many problems with Dell. I have about 100 or so of them here at work and I have many family members with Dell's. I have never had a problem with their tech support, nor their customer support.

My brother ordered a Dell, it was supposed to come with a free CDRW upgrade, we got it and it had a CDrom in it. I called them, got someone on the phone in just a few minutes, and had a new DVDRW the next day for their mistake.

I also cant belive you paid over 2 grand for a Dell computer when they sell most of them for about $500?

At any rate, I think you need to call Dell and get ahold of someone higher up than your standard tech. When you deal with the lowest tech, you get the lowest support.

ScHwErV :tazz:
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I have been on telephone over three hours today, calling Dell. Luigi at Customer Care said it did look as though I should have received a new computer but he could not authorize that, I had to talk with Tech Support. He forwarded me to Tech Support, I talked with 2 people there, we were working on it, then got disconnected. Called back twice was disconnected twice. Called again for Tech, they said they could not authorize a new computer, Customer Care had to do that.
I feel as though I am in Bizarro World.

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An update on the new Dell computer fiasco. Ater 2 certified letters to the new Dell CEO and more telephone calls, we received a new computer. Talk about pulling teeth!! I will never again order from Dell.
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    Founder Geek

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Sounds like a lot of effort, and thanks for the update! :tazz:

However, it sounds as if they finally did the right thing. If you have troubles with that new system, at least you know where to come. :)
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