I wrote a lot of vb apps using the Merant odbc driver.
A lot of security things were included into the latest update but what???
A lot of our customers can't use their apps anymore...
Please, I hope someone can give me some advise.
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Private Sub SearchFacturen() MsgBox "Initialization" ' Show status to user frmNmbHellerExport.lblDebiteurStatus.Caption = "Please wait while the results are being fetched..." frmNmbHellerExport.lblDebiteurStatus.Refresh frmNmbHellerExport.cmdSearchU4Records.Item(0).Enabled = False 'Debit frmNmbHellerExport.cmdSearchU4Records.Item(1).Enabled = False 'Invoice frmNmbHellerExport.cmdExportU4Records.Item(0).Enabled = False 'Debit frmNmbHellerExport.cmdExportU4Records.Item(1).Enabled = False 'Invoice frmNmbHellerExport.cmdShowExclusion.Visible = False frmNmbHellerExport.cmdShowExclusion.Enabled = False MsgBox "Fetch log file dates if there are any" ' ************* ' Fetch the log file dates if there are any ' ************* Dim strFactNr As String ' Will contain log file's factnr if there is one If Not justCreated Then strLogStr = FileHandler.fileOpen(strLogPath) Else strLogStr = FileHandler.fileOpen(strFileDir + "\" + strLogPath) End If [COLOR=red]Checks whether all invoice need to be searched starting from user input (if there hasn't been an export before or whether to continue with the last exported invoice[/COLOR] ' If (Len(strLogStr) = 5) Means the log file only contains the text empty ' if (Len(strlogstrThen) > 5) And (Len(strlogstrThen) < 11) Means there is a date for debit but not for fact If (Len(strLogStr) = 5) Then 'All invoices need to be searched searchAll = True Else strFactNr = Right(strLogStr, 8) strFactOriNr = strFactNr searchAll = False End If MsgBox "Search all: " & searchAll ' ************* ' Build search query ' ************* [COLOR=red]Here is the query[/COLOR] Dim strSearchFacturen As String If searchAll Then ' Search all invoices Dim strSearchFrom As String strSearchFrom = InputBox("Please fill in the invoice number from" + Chr(10) + "where to start the export." + Chr(10) + Chr(10) + "Clicking cancel will cancel the search.") If strSearchFrom = "" Then ' Cancel button clicked frmNmbHellerExport.lblDebiteurStatus.Caption = "Please specify your search..." frmNmbHellerExport.lblDebiteurStatus.Refresh Exit Sub End If strFactOriNr = strSearchFrom strSearchFacturen = "SELECT d.CDDEBITEUR, d.FACTNUMMER, d.FACTDATUM, d.VERVALDATUM1, d.VERVALDATUM2, d.FACTBEDRAG, b.BETKORTPERC, b.KORTINGDAGEN, d.BEDRAGBTW, d.CDBETCOND " & _ "FROM DEBFACTUUR d, BETALINGSCONDITIE b " & _ "WHERE d.CDBETCOND = b.CDBETCOND (+)" & _ "AND d.CDDAGBOEK = 'VF' " & _ "AND d.FACTNUMMER > '" & strSearchFrom & "' " & _ "AND (d.CDDEBITEUR <> 'CREDI' AND d.CDDEBITEUR <> 'DUBDE' AND d.CDDEBITEUR <> 'ECOCH' AND d.CDDEBITEUR <> 'KOERS' AND d.CDDEBITEUR <> 'LECOH' AND d.CDDEBITEUR <> 'RAF' AND d.CDDEBITEUR <> 'RSW') " & _ "ORDER BY d.FACTNUMMER" Else ' Search invoices that are altered or created after dtDate strSearchFacturen = "SELECT d.CDDEBITEUR, d.FACTNUMMER, d.FACTDATUM, d.VERVALDATUM1, d.VERVALDATUM2, d.FACTBEDRAG, b.BETKORTPERC, b.KORTINGDAGEN, d.BEDRAGBTW, d.CDBETCOND " & _ "FROM DEBFACTUUR d, BETALINGSCONDITIE b " & _ "WHERE d.CDBETCOND = b.CDBETCOND (+)" & _ "AND d.CDDAGBOEK = 'VF' " & _ "AND d.FACTNUMMER > '" & strFactNr & "' " & _ "AND (d.CDDEBITEUR <> 'CREDI' AND d.CDDEBITEUR <> 'DUBDE' AND d.CDDEBITEUR <> 'ECOCH' AND d.CDDEBITEUR <> 'KOERS' AND d.CDDEBITEUR <> 'LECOH' AND d.CDDEBITEUR <> 'RAF' AND d.CDDEBITEUR <> 'RSW') " & _ "ORDER BY d.FACTNUMMER" End If MsgBox "Query built: " & Chr(13) & Chr(13) & strSearchFacturen ' ************* ' Fill datagrid if there's data ' ************* [COLOR=red]Fill recordset[/COLOR] Dim testje As Integer frmNmbHellerExport.dcU4Records.RecordSource = strSearchFacturen [COLOR=red]The line below: also tried with aduseserver but ten times slower and often gets stuck as if it looses the connection[/COLOR] frmNmbHellerExport.dcU4Records.CursorLocation = adUseClient frmNmbHellerExport.dcU4Records.LockType = adLockOptimistic frmNmbHellerExport.dcU4Records.Refresh MsgBox "Recordset filled" 'testje = frmNmbHellerExport.dcU4Records.Recordset.RecordCount If Not frmNmbHellerExport.dcU4Records.Recordset.EOF = False Then frmNmbHellerExport.lblDebiteurStatus.Caption = "No invoices found for export..." frmNmbHellerExport.lblDebiteurStatus.Refresh frmNmbHellerExport.mshfU4Records.Rows = 1 frmNmbHellerExport.mshfU4Records.Visible = False MsgBox "No invoices found for export..." Exit Sub End If MsgBox "The query found invoices" ' Set column headers frmNmbHellerExport.mshfU4Records.Visible = False 'to make it more faster MsgBox "Recordset field count" frmNmbHellerExport.mshfU4Records.Cols = frmNmbHellerExport.dcU4Records.Recordset.Fields.Count ' Set the maximum rows of flexgrid immediately to make it more faster ' +1 because first row contains column headers MsgBox "Recordset record count" [COLOR=red]it jams a the line below: it sais that an E_Fail status got returned Run-time error '-2147467259 (80004005)': Data provider or other service returned an E_FAIL status. [/COLOR] frmNmbHellerExport.mshfU4Records.Rows = frmNmbHellerExport.dcU4Records.Recordset.RecordCount + 1 MsgBox "Put column headers" frmNmbHellerExport.mshfU4Records.TextMatrix(0, 0) = "Debiteur" frmNmbHellerExport.mshfU4Records.TextMatrix(0, 1) = "FactNr" frmNmbHellerExport.mshfU4Records.TextMatrix(0, 2) = "FactDatum" frmNmbHellerExport.mshfU4Records.TextMatrix(0, 3) = "Valutadatum" frmNmbHellerExport.mshfU4Records.TextMatrix(0, 4) = "Vervaldatum" frmNmbHellerExport.mshfU4Records.TextMatrix(0, 5) = "FactBedrag" frmNmbHellerExport.mshfU4Records.TextMatrix(0, 6) = "Korting %" frmNmbHellerExport.mshfU4Records.TextMatrix(0, 7) = "Korting Dagen" frmNmbHellerExport.mshfU4Records.TextMatrix(0, 8) = "BedragBTW" ' Set column widths With frmNmbHellerExport.mshfU4Records .ColWidth(0) = 650 .ColWidth(1) = 800 .ColWidth(2) = 1000 .ColWidth(3) = 1000 .ColWidth(4) = 1000 .ColWidth(5) = 1000 .ColWidth(6) = 900 .ColWidth(7) = 1150 .ColWidth(8) = 1080 .ColWidth(9) = 0 End With ' ************* ' Adjust Null values ' ************* MsgBox "Adjust null values" frmNmbHellerExport.pbExport.Min = "0" frmNmbHellerExport.pbExport.Max = frmNmbHellerExport.dcU4Records.Recordset.RecordCount frmNmbHellerExport.pbExport.Value = "0" frmNmbHellerExport.pbExport.Visible = True Dim i As Long, j As Long ' Loop variables Dim intDebit As Long ' Variable to hold the index for the strDebitArray intDebit = 0 Dim loopDebit As Long ' Loop variable for looping the strDebitArray Dim blnDebitExists As Boolean ' Boolean; true = strDebitArray already contains that debitNr Dim strSearchBetLevCond As String ' Variable to check on betalings- en leverconditie strExcluded = vbNullString Dim lngExcluded As Long ' Variable to hold the number of excluded records to adjust the number of rows lngExcluded = 0 Do While Not frmNmbHellerExport.dcU4Records.Recordset.EOF ' Fetch betalings- en leverconditie strSearchBetLevCond = "SELECT CDBETCOND, CDLEVCOND " & _ "FROM DEBITEUR " & _ "WHERE CDDEBITEUR = '" & frmNmbHellerExport.dcU4Records.Recordset.Fields(0) & "'" frmNmbHellerExport.dcLevCond.RecordSource = strSearchBetLevCond frmNmbHellerExport.dcLevCond.CursorLocation = adUseClient frmNmbHellerExport.dcLevCond.LockType = adLockOptimistic frmNmbHellerExport.dcLevCond.Refresh If Not frmNmbHellerExport.dcLevCond.Recordset.EOF = False Then frmNmbHellerExport.dcLevCond.Enabled = False frmNmbHellerExport.lblDebiteurStatus.Caption = "Invalid customer reference: " & frmNmbHellerExport.dcU4Records.Recordset.Fields(0) & " -- Search aborted!" frmNmbHellerExport.lblDebiteurStatus.Refresh Exit Sub End If If frmNmbHellerExport.dcLevCond.Recordset.Fields(0) = "C" And Not frmNmbHellerExport.dcLevCond.Recordset.Fields(1) = "REM" Then ' Build strExcluded for summary on excluded invoices strExcluded = strExcluded & "InvoiceNr: " & frmNmbHellerExport.dcU4Records.Recordset.Fields(1) & _ vbCrLf & "DebitNr: " & frmNmbHellerExport.dcU4Records.Recordset.Fields(0) & _ vbCrLf & "Reason: " & _ vbCrLf & " * Betalingsconditie: " & frmNmbHellerExport.dcLevCond.Recordset.Fields(0) & " - Leveringsconditie: " & frmNmbHellerExport.dcLevCond.Recordset.Fields(1) & _ vbCrLf & "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf lngExcluded = 1 Else If Not frmNmbHellerExport.dcU4Records.Recordset.Fields(0) = "01879" And Not frmNmbHellerExport.dcU4Records.Recordset.Fields(0) = "01880" And Not frmNmbHellerExport.dcU4Records.Recordset.Fields(0) = "00452" Then ' InterCompany If Not frmNmbHellerExport.dcU4Records.Recordset.Fields(0) = "CREDI" And Not frmNmbHellerExport.dcU4Records.Recordset.Fields(0) = "DUBDE" And Not frmNmbHellerExport.dcU4Records.Recordset.Fields(0) = "ECOCH" And Not frmNmbHellerExport.dcU4Records.Recordset.Fields(0) = "KOERS" And Not frmNmbHellerExport.dcU4Records.Recordset.Fields(0) = "RAF" And Not frmNmbHellerExport.dcU4Records.Recordset.Fields(0) = "RSW" Then i = i + 1 'ignore fixed row containing column headers frmNmbHellerExport.pbExport.Value = frmNmbHellerExport.pbExport.Value + "1" Dim recCount As Integer recCount = frmNmbHellerExport.dcU4Records.Recordset.RecordCount ' **** ' Percentage completion count ' **** If Not recCount = 1 Then frmNmbHellerExport.lblDebiteurStatus.Caption = "Please wait while the results are being fetched... " & Round(Int(((i - 1) / (frmNmbHellerExport.dcU4Records.Recordset.RecordCount - 1)) * 100), 0) & "% Completed." frmNmbHellerExport.lblDebiteurStatus.Refresh Else frmNmbHellerExport.lblDebiteurStatus.Caption = "Please wait while the results are being fetched... " & Round(Int((i / (frmNmbHellerExport.dcU4Records.Recordset.RecordCount)) * 100), 0) & "% Completed." frmNmbHellerExport.lblDebiteurStatus.Refresh End If blnDebitExists = False For j = 0 To (frmNmbHellerExport.dcU4Records.Recordset.Fields.Count - 1) 'ignore fixed column frmNmbHellerExport.mshfU4Records.TextMatrix(i, j) = NullToDash(frmNmbHellerExport.dcU4Records.Recordset.Fields(j)) If j = 0 Then ' Store debitnumber If Not intDebit = 0 Then For loopDebit = 0 To intDebit - 1 If frmNmbHellerExport.mshfU4Records.TextMatrix(i, j) = strDebitArray(loopDebit) Then blnDebitExists = True End If Next If Not blnDebitExists Then strDebitArray(intDebit) = frmNmbHellerExport.mshfU4Records.TextMatrix(i, j) intDebit = intDebit + 1 End If Else strDebitArray(0) = frmNmbHellerExport.mshfU4Records.TextMatrix(i, j) intDebit = intDebit + 1 End If lngDebitAmount = intDebit End If If j = 9 Then ' Store betalingsconditie strArray(i) = frmNmbHellerExport.mshfU4Records.TextMatrix(i, j) End If Next Else ' Build strExcluded for summary on excluded invoices strExcluded = strExcluded & "InvoiceNr: " & frmNmbHellerExport.dcU4Records.Recordset.Fields(1) & _ vbCrLf & "DebitNr: " & frmNmbHellerExport.dcU4Records.Recordset.Fields(0) & _ vbCrLf & "Reason: " & _ vbCrLf & " * DebitNr is not a numeric value: " & frmNmbHellerExport.dcU4Records.Recordset.Fields(0) & _ vbCrLf & "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf lngExcluded = lngExcluded + 1 End If Else ' Build strExcluded for summary on excluded invoices strExcluded = strExcluded & "InvoiceNr: " & frmNmbHellerExport.dcU4Records.Recordset.Fields(1) & _ vbCrLf & "DebitNr: " & frmNmbHellerExport.dcU4Records.Recordset.Fields(0) & _ vbCrLf & "Reason: " & _ vbCrLf & " * InterCompany: " & _ vbCrLf & "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf lngExcluded = lngExcluded + 1 End If End If 'you can also increment the row by one, but this makes the loading a bit slower 'msflexgrid1.Rows = msflexgrid1.Rows + 1 frmNmbHellerExport.dcU4Records.Recordset.MoveNext Loop frmNmbHellerExport.mshfU4Records.Visible = True frmNmbHellerExport.lblDebiteurStatus.Caption = "Marking to be exported invoices..." frmNmbHellerExport.lblDebiteurStatus.Refresh ' ************* ' Mark records that are to be exported ' ************* frmNmbHellerExport.pbExport.Min = "0" frmNmbHellerExport.pbExport.Max = frmNmbHellerExport.dcU4Records.Recordset.RecordCount frmNmbHellerExport.pbExport.Value = "0" Dim k As Integer On Error Resume Next With frmNmbHellerExport.mshfU4Records Dim strFetchedFactNr As String For k = 1 To frmNmbHellerExport.dcU4Records.Recordset.RecordCount frmNmbHellerExport.pbExport.Value = frmNmbHellerExport.pbExport.Value + "1" If Not frmNmbHellerExport.dcU4Records.Recordset.RecordCount = 1 Then frmNmbHellerExport.lblDebiteurStatus.Caption = "Marking to be exported invoices... " & Round(Int(((k - 1) / (frmNmbHellerExport.dcU4Records.Recordset.RecordCount - 1)) * 100), 0) & "% Completed." frmNmbHellerExport.lblDebiteurStatus.Refresh Else frmNmbHellerExport.lblDebiteurStatus.Caption = "Marking to be exported invoices... " & Round(Int((k / (frmNmbHellerExport.dcU4Records.Recordset.RecordCount)) * 100), 0) & "% Completed." frmNmbHellerExport.lblDebiteurStatus.Refresh End If .Row = k 'current row With frmNmbHellerExport.mshfU4Records .Col = 1 ' the column which contains the FactNr strFetchedFactNr = .Text End With ' if record or modifications not yet exported If Not searchAll Then If strFactNr < strFetchedFactNr Then .FillStyle = flexFillRepeat 'repeat for entire range .RowSel = k 'ending row .Col = 0 'starting col .ColSel = .Cols - 1 'ending col .CellBackColor = vbCyan Else .FillStyle = flexFillRepeat 'repeat for entire range .RowSel = k 'ending row .Col = 0 'starting col .ColSel = .Cols - 1 'ending col .CellBackColor = vbWhite End If Else If strFactNr <= strFetchedFactNr Then .FillStyle = flexFillRepeat 'repeat for entire range .RowSel = k 'ending row .Col = 0 'starting col .ColSel = .Cols - 1 'ending col .CellBackColor = vbCyan Else .FillStyle = flexFillRepeat 'repeat for entire range .RowSel = k 'ending row .Col = 0 'starting col .ColSel = .Cols - 1 'ending col .CellBackColor = vbWhite End If End If Next k End With ' intLastRow = 0 If Not LenB(strExcluded) = 0 Then ' There are excluded invoices frmNmbHellerExport.cmdShowExclusion.Enabled = True frmNmbHellerExport.cmdShowExclusion.Visible = True frmNmbHellerExport.mshfU4Records.Rows = frmNmbHellerExport.mshfU4Records.Rows - lngExcluded End If frmNmbHellerExport.lblDebiteurStatus.Caption = "You can now browse through the invoice list..." frmNmbHellerExport.lblDebiteurStatus.Refresh frmNmbHellerExport.pbExport.Visible = False With frmNmbHellerExport.mshfU4Records .Row = 1 End With frmNmbHellerExport.cmdSearchU4Records.Item(0).Enabled = False 'Debit frmNmbHellerExport.cmdSearchU4Records.Item(1).Enabled = True 'Invoice frmNmbHellerExport.cmdExportU4Records.Item(0).Enabled = False 'Debit frmNmbHellerExport.cmdExportU4Records.Item(1).Enabled = True 'Invoice End Sub
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