Hello Everyone,
I have searched quite a few forums for an answer
to this question,
and most all of the ones searched, not only did
I not find an answer, but they do not even touch
on the subject.
I am beginning to think it is a forbidden subject.
The subject is finding out a users true identity.
I suppose this is a breech of a persons "right to privacy".
And as I am not that savvy on all the ins and outs of the
privacy laws, it makes me curious, as to if there is, indeed
a way to find out someones true identity.
I do not want this to start sounding like it belongs in an
"Advice for the lovelorn" forum, because my problem
and question are very real.
I feel I must give you some background, in order for you
to better direct me, to any help you may be able to give me.
I will be as brief as possible, but lengthy enough to get
my point across.
Starting with the problem, I go to a certain website,
where you can pick a "username" and password to sign
in, much the same as this site. I have been seeing a certain
other person that also goes to the site, Because I told them
about it, and they joined it also. We have been exclusive
for about two years now. However we live in different states.
For the last two years we seem to have a running
argument going, because I am under the belief that
he is making up different user names in order to play
certain people on the site, and I would be unaware of it.
Please, I must at this point tell you, that he could have
a million different user names, and it would not bother
me in the least, I believe everyone has every right to do
what ever they want to do. It is when the person starts
saying they think you need professional mental help because
of your beliefs, that becomes the problem
It is not fun when someone starts messing with another
persons mental stability. I am seeing a psychiarist at
the time of this writing, mainly because of this problem.
The question I have to pose to you, is someone told
me there is a software , entitled "Pin Point a Poster",
and it can be used to find out the true identity of whoever
the true person is behind the false user name. From what
they told me, it is not cheap, costing upwards of over $200,
which what is the exact price. for peace of mind?
I have no idea where to even begin to look for where
to purchase the software, or even if there truly is one
that does this task.
I will appreciate any and all input regarding this question.
thank you so much
oh I must add, that I contacted the sites owner, and he
has informed me that he has no way of knowing who the
users are truly.